1、The signs do nothing more than identify a restaurant, theatre, or other business, but do so in the most striking way possible.───这些标识除了辨识一家餐馆、剧院或其他企业外,别无他用,但却以一种最引人注目的方式做到了这一点。
2、The leasing portfolio is not just a sideline; it is seen as a way of getting a foothold in other business.───租赁组合不只是一种副业;人们认为这是争取在其他行业立足的一个办法。
3、E-commerce follows the same model used in other business transactions; the difference lies in the details.───电子商务采用与其他商业交易相同的模式;区别在于细节。
4、I think we've finished item four. Now is there any other business?───我想我们已经讨论完第四项。还有其他要讨论的吗?
5、If I were to try to read, much less to answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well as be closed for any other business.───哪怕我曾经想过要看这些对我的攻击言论,这个店可能就已经关门改做其它的业务了,更不能说去回复它们了。
6、If it were, then the personal appearance industries would have been as hardly hit by the trade depression as any other business.───因为如果是这样,那么美容用品业就会和其他企业一样受到贸易萧条的沉重打击。
7、But she said the necessary contacts with Iran on the issue never began because of the press of other business.───但是赖斯说,由于其它事务的紧迫性,美国跟YiLang一直没有就在德黑兰设立代表处的事宜开始进行必要的接触。
8、I think, as with any other business, it's built on relationships and I work hard to have those relationships.───我想,不管做什么生意都需要关系,而我,正在努力建立这种良好的关系网。
9、and , just like any other business , the front line staff must be of the highest standard.───与其他行业一样,的士业的前线人员的质素必须达致最高水准。
other business(英语使用场景)
1、Other Business 1 Planning applications for football stadium developments.
2、Is there any other business before we close the meeting?
3、She had other business to cover, major league business.
4、If you have no other business, you may hang up the phone.
5、Unless there is any other business, we can end the meeting.
6、The mother postponed all other business to the task of smoothing her crying child.
7、'Is there any other business ?' the chairman asked.
8、No, I have other business to take care of.
9、Most letters and other business documents are printed on paper 8 1 / 2 inches wide.
other business(意思翻译)
other business(相似词语短语)
1、other other───其他
2、other animals───其他动物
5、other half───n.那口子(指自己的配偶)
6、business to business───公司对公司之间的电子商务 (B B);企业对企业
7、other bank───其他银行
8、while other───而其他
9、other world───来世,来生;n.来世;冥界
other business(双语使用场景)
1、The signs do nothing more than identify a restaurant, theatre, or other business, but do so in the most striking way possible.───这些标识除了辨识一家餐馆、剧院或其他企业外,别无他用,但却以一种最引人注目的方式做到了这一点。
2、The leasing portfolio is not just a sideline; it is seen as a way of getting a foothold in other business.───租赁组合不只是一种副业;人们认为这是争取在其他行业立足的一个办法。
3、E-commerce follows the same model used in other business transactions; the difference lies in the details.───电子商务采用与其他商业交易相同的模式;区别在于细节。
4、I think we've finished item four. Now is there any other business?───我想我们已经讨论完第四项。还有其他要讨论的吗?
5、If I were to try to read, much less to answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well as be closed for any other business.───哪怕我曾经想过要看这些对我的攻击言论,这个店可能就已经关门改做其它的业务了,更不能说去回复它们了。
6、If it were, then the personal appearance industries would have been as hardly hit by the trade depression as any other business.───因为如果是这样,那么美容用品业就会和其他企业一样受到贸易萧条的沉重打击。
7、But she said the necessary contacts with Iran on the issue never began because of the press of other business.───但是赖斯说,由于其它事务的紧迫性,美国跟YiLang一直没有就在德黑兰设立代表处的事宜开始进行必要的接触。
8、I think, as with any other business, it's built on relationships and I work hard to have those relationships.───我想,不管做什么生意都需要关系,而我,正在努力建立这种良好的关系网。
9、and , just like any other business , the front line staff must be of the highest standard.───与其他行业一样,的士业的前线人员的质素必须达致最高水准。
other business(英语使用场景)
1、Other Business 1 Planning applications for football stadium developments.
2、Is there any other business before we close the meeting?
3、She had other business to cover, major league business.
4、If you have no other business, you may hang up the phone.
5、Unless there is any other business, we can end the meeting.
6、The mother postponed all other business to the task of smoothing her crying child.
7、'Is there any other business ?' the chairman asked.
8、No, I have other business to take care of.
9、Most letters and other business documents are printed on paper 8 1 / 2 inches wide.