1、It could reduce the cost in ordering cost, holding cost, stock-out cost, and lead time crash cost.───因此,决策者必须规划适当生产计划和安全存货量,才能降低订购成本、存货成本、缺货成本及赶工成本。
2、Keeping fit is an attitude, a change of lifestyle, and not just a one-time crash diet.───保持健美是一种态度,生活模式的改变而不是一次过的极速减肥法。
3、A one-time crash may be caused by bad memory or a corrupted document accessed by a process that resulted in Domino crashing.───一个导致Domino崩溃的进程访问坏内存或已PoHuai的文档时会出现一次性崩溃。
4、For example, a one-time crash, as the name implies, may occur once and never appear again.───例如一次性崩溃(one - time crash),顾名思义,可能只出现一次,并且不会再次出现。
time crash(英语使用场景)
1、It could reduce the cost in ordering cost, holding cost, stock-out cost, and lead time crash cost.
time crash(意思翻译)
time crash(相似词语短语)
1、crash meme───碰撞模因
2、crash crash───撞车事故
3、jackscrew crash───螺旋千斤顶碰撞
4、air crash───[航]飞机失事
5、crash driveyou───撞车驾驶你
6、crash course───速成课(等于cramcourse);n.速成班; 速成课
7、crash───adv.哗啦一声地;v.碰撞;(使)坠毁;(使)摔碎;使发出巨响;(金融企业等)破产; (Xi Tong)崩溃;(比赛中)惨败;(在临时安排的地方)入睡;心脏停止跳动;擅自闯入;n.(交通工具)坠毁;碰撞声;暴跌; (Xi Tong)崩溃;睡觉;粗棉布;adj.应急的,速成的
8、crash helmet───安全帽;(飞行员,摩托车驾驶员等的)防撞头盔;n.头盔,安全帽
9、crash in───闯入,涌入;蜂拥而入
time crash(双语使用场景)
1、It could reduce the cost in ordering cost, holding cost, stock-out cost, and lead time crash cost.───因此,决策者必须规划适当生产计划和安全存货量,才能降低订购成本、存货成本、缺货成本及赶工成本。
2、Keeping fit is an attitude, a change of lifestyle, and not just a one-time crash diet.───保持健美是一种态度,生活模式的改变而不是一次过的极速减肥法。
3、A one-time crash may be caused by bad memory or a corrupted document accessed by a process that resulted in Domino crashing.───一个导致Domino崩溃的进程访问坏内存或已PoHuai的文档时会出现一次性崩溃。
4、For example, a one-time crash, as the name implies, may occur once and never appear again.───例如一次性崩溃(one - time crash),顾名思义,可能只出现一次,并且不会再次出现。
time crash(英语使用场景)
1、It could reduce the cost in ordering cost, holding cost, stock-out cost, and lead time crash cost.