1、According to the imagination of outskirts landscape ecological circle, the importance and rational distribution of outskirts ecological construction have been discussed in this paper.───本文通过对城郊景观生态圈的设想,探讨城郊生态建设的重要性及合理布局范畴,提出设想与同行商。
2、Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the variation of the dry or thaw circle around the pipeline for pipeline design, construction and management.───因此分析管道周围土壤干燥圈或融化圈变化对管道XiTong的设计、施工和管理是十分必要的。
3、The archaeologists said in the statement that radio-carbon dating put the construction of the circle of bluestones at between 2,400 B.C. and 2,200 B.C., a few centuries later than originally thought.───考古学家在一份声明中说,经放射性碳测年法鉴定,环形巨石阵应该建造于公元前2400年至公元前2200年之间,比之前的推测晚了几百年。
construction circle(意思翻译)
construction circle(相似词语短语)
1、ziv construction───ziv结构
3、circle fun───圈圈游戏
4、cymar construction───聚伞花序结构
5、cool circle───冷循环
7、stone circle───〔古代建造的〕巨石阵,巨石柱群;石环;环状列石
8、wind circle───风圈
9、dynastic circle───王朝圈
construction circle(双语使用场景)
1、According to the imagination of outskirts landscape ecological circle, the importance and rational distribution of outskirts ecological construction have been discussed in this paper.───本文通过对城郊景观生态圈的设想,探讨城郊生态建设的重要性及合理布局范畴,提出设想与同行商。
2、Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the variation of the dry or thaw circle around the pipeline for pipeline design, construction and management.───因此分析管道周围土壤干燥圈或融化圈变化对管道XiTong的设计、施工和管理是十分必要的。
3、The archaeologists said in the statement that radio-carbon dating put the construction of the circle of bluestones at between 2,400 B.C. and 2,200 B.C., a few centuries later than originally thought.───考古学家在一份声明中说,经放射性碳测年法鉴定,环形巨石阵应该建造于公元前2400年至公元前2200年之间,比之前的推测晚了几百年。