1、For she had felt the pain that the animal was in at the time of the death and it was repugnant to her.───因为她感受到了动物在死亡时的痛苦,而这让她感到难受。
2、I understand why the idea of any Gaddafi family member continuing to hold any power is so repugnant.───我明白让卡扎菲家族成员继续掌权的看法为何如此不得人心。
3、You placed me next to a black man. I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group.───你把我安排在一个黑人旁边了。我不愿意坐在一个这样令人反感的人种旁边,
4、Furthermore, the whole concept of a minority (politicians) banning things for the majority is repugnant.───另外,少数人(指一些政客)代替绝大多数人对一些东西发布禁令这个现象本来就是矛盾的。
5、The idea of eating meat was repugnant to her.───一想到吃肉她就想吐。
6、As you see how God abundantly provided for Adam, you are to see that Adam's sin is all the more sinful and repugnant.───如果我们看到上帝给亚当的是多么丰富,我们就会明白亚当的罪,是多么可恶,多么让人气愤。
7、We found his suggestion absolutely repugnant.───我们觉得他的建议绝对不得人心。
8、His causes, both healthy and repugnant, combined with a lack of humour and high self-regard, did not make him popular.───他的奋斗目标,健康但另人反感,加上缺乏幽默感以及自负,他并没有受到大众欢迎。
9、Everything about the affair was repugnant to her.───有关那件事的一切令她反感。
1、The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects.
1、For she had felt the pain that the animal was in at the time of the death and it was repugnant to her.───因为她感受到了动物在死亡时的痛苦,而这让她感到难受。
2、I understand why the idea of any Gaddafi family member continuing to hold any power is so repugnant.───我明白让卡扎菲家族成员继续掌权的看法为何如此不得人心。
3、You placed me next to a black man. I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group.───你把我安排在一个黑人旁边了。我不愿意坐在一个这样令人反感的人种旁边,
4、Furthermore, the whole concept of a minority (politicians) banning things for the majority is repugnant.───另外,少数人(指一些政客)代替绝大多数人对一些东西发布禁令这个现象本来就是矛盾的。
5、The idea of eating meat was repugnant to her.───一想到吃肉她就想吐。
6、As you see how God abundantly provided for Adam, you are to see that Adam's sin is all the more sinful and repugnant.───如果我们看到上帝给亚当的是多么丰富,我们就会明白亚当的罪,是多么可恶,多么让人气愤。
7、We found his suggestion absolutely repugnant.───我们觉得他的建议绝对不得人心。
8、His causes, both healthy and repugnant, combined with a lack of humour and high self-regard, did not make him popular.───他的奋斗目标,健康但另人反感,加上缺乏幽默感以及自负,他并没有受到大众欢迎。
9、Everything about the affair was repugnant to her.───有关那件事的一切令她反感。
1、The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects.