1、Further Discussion for Solving General Term of Special Nonlinear Number Sequence with Recurrence Relations───特殊非线性递推数列通项求法的进一步探讨
2、(Linear non homogeneous recurrence relations with constant efficient).───方程组称为定义数列(自然数函数)的常系数线性非齐次递归式。
3、in this chapter , we establish convergence theorem by using the recurrence relations.───在这一章中,我们是用递归法给出了迭代法的收敛理论。
4、Solution to Sequence of Numbers Determined by Linear Nonhomogeneous Recurrence Relations───线性非齐次递归式的求解
5、recurrence relations of the coefficients of the Earth's gravity have been given in this paper.───本文也给出了地球引力系数递推关系式。
6、This paper gives an explicit solution to linear non-homogeneous recurrence relations with constant coefficients by means of generating function.───应用生成函数的方法求出了常系数非齐次线性递推式的显式解。
7、The main theory of the approach is has ed on the error function, its repeated integrals and some recurrence relations.───此方法的主要理论是基于误差函数、它的累次积分及一些递推公式。
8、This Paper gives Only a method to find the general term u_n of a Sequences Which Satisfies homogeneous Linear recurrence relations.───本文仅就满足齐次线性递推关系序列,给出它一般项求法。
9、This paper concluded some generating functions and recurrence relations of Jacobi polynomials and gived the corresponding proof.───文章总结了雅可比多项式的一些生成函数和递推关系,并给出了相应的证明。
recurrence relations(英语使用场景)
1、This paper gives an explicit solution to linear non-homogeneous recurrence relations with constant coefficients by means of generating function.
2、Then a new algorithm of brivate vector -valued rational interpolants by means of complexification of the knots and backward three-term recurrence relations is given.
3、The recurrence relations about the quantum number 1 of the spherical harmonics are derived with ladder operator.
4、In the sixth chapter, we study the recurrence relations on the Thiele and Thiele-werner continued fraction GVRI.
recurrence relations(意思翻译)
recurrence relations(相似词语短语)
1、blood relations───n.血亲,骨肉( blood relation的名词复数 ); 嫡亲;嫡亲;血亲(bloodrelation的复数)
2、race relations───n.种族关系(同一国家中的);n.(同一国家中的)种族关系
3、recurrence risk───再现风险
4、logical relations───[计]逻辑关系;[计]逻辑关系式
6、foreign relations───n.外交关系
7、recurrence formula───递推公式;[数]递归公式;循环公式;递推公式,循环公式
9、diplomatic relations───[法]外交关系; 邦交
recurrence relations(双语使用场景)
1、Further Discussion for Solving General Term of Special Nonlinear Number Sequence with Recurrence Relations───特殊非线性递推数列通项求法的进一步探讨
2、(Linear non homogeneous recurrence relations with constant efficient).───方程组称为定义数列(自然数函数)的常系数线性非齐次递归式。
3、in this chapter , we establish convergence theorem by using the recurrence relations.───在这一章中,我们是用递归法给出了迭代法的收敛理论。
4、Solution to Sequence of Numbers Determined by Linear Nonhomogeneous Recurrence Relations───线性非齐次递归式的求解
5、recurrence relations of the coefficients of the Earth's gravity have been given in this paper.───本文也给出了地球引力系数递推关系式。
6、This paper gives an explicit solution to linear non-homogeneous recurrence relations with constant coefficients by means of generating function.───应用生成函数的方法求出了常系数非齐次线性递推式的显式解。
7、The main theory of the approach is has ed on the error function, its repeated integrals and some recurrence relations.───此方法的主要理论是基于误差函数、它的累次积分及一些递推公式。
8、This Paper gives Only a method to find the general term u_n of a Sequences Which Satisfies homogeneous Linear recurrence relations.───本文仅就满足齐次线性递推关系序列,给出它一般项求法。
9、This paper concluded some generating functions and recurrence relations of Jacobi polynomials and gived the corresponding proof.───文章总结了雅可比多项式的一些生成函数和递推关系,并给出了相应的证明。
recurrence relations(英语使用场景)
1、This paper gives an explicit solution to linear non-homogeneous recurrence relations with constant coefficients by means of generating function.
2、Then a new algorithm of brivate vector -valued rational interpolants by means of complexification of the knots and backward three-term recurrence relations is given.
3、The recurrence relations about the quantum number 1 of the spherical harmonics are derived with ladder operator.
4、In the sixth chapter, we study the recurrence relations on the Thiele and Thiele-werner continued fraction GVRI.