1、Using the latest DNA-sequencing technology, Dr Krause and his colleagues worked out the order of the genetic “letters” of over 1m fragments of DNA from their sample.───利用最新的DNA排序科技,Krause和他的同事在他们的样品含有超过1百万的碎片中找出了基因的“字母”顺序。
2、Parts and requirements of business letter- writing, sample letters───外贸函电的写作部分,要求及例子
3、Take a sample of unencoded text, count how many times specific letters appear in the text, and sort the letters in order from most to least frequent.───获取一个未编码的文本样例,计算文本中出现特定字母的次数,然后按频率最高到最低的顺序给字母排序。
4、You should notice that the Hello World! sample post title is now all in uppercase letters.───应该可以看到 “Hello World!” 示例标题现在全部都是大写字母了。
sample letters(意思翻译)
sample letters(相似词语短语)
1、sample loop───样品环;进样环路
2、sample show───样品展示
3、prototype sample───样品;初样;原型样品
4、sample price───样品价格
5、sample survey───抽样检查;先行甸;样品鉴定;检验样品
8、small sample───[统计]小样本,小试样;小包货样;小包货样,小样本
9、sample projects───示范工程;样板工程;示例项目;采样方案
sample letters(双语使用场景)
1、Using the latest DNA-sequencing technology, Dr Krause and his colleagues worked out the order of the genetic “letters” of over 1m fragments of DNA from their sample.───利用最新的DNA排序科技,Krause和他的同事在他们的样品含有超过1百万的碎片中找出了基因的“字母”顺序。
2、Parts and requirements of business letter- writing, sample letters───外贸函电的写作部分,要求及例子
3、Take a sample of unencoded text, count how many times specific letters appear in the text, and sort the letters in order from most to least frequent.───获取一个未编码的文本样例,计算文本中出现特定字母的次数,然后按频率最高到最低的顺序给字母排序。
4、You should notice that the Hello World! sample post title is now all in uppercase letters.───应该可以看到 “Hello World!” 示例标题现在全部都是大写字母了。