8、bad debts───n.坏账;收不回的债;死账;n.坏账; 呆账(收不回的账)( bad debt的名词复数 ); 倒账
9、repay you───报答你
repay their debts(双语使用场景)
1、It's now clear that Greece, Ireland and Portugal can't and won't repay their debts in full, although Spain might manage to tough it out.───现在明确的情况是,西班牙可能通过紧缩勉强偿还债务,爱尔兰和葡萄牙已经没有能力也不可能全额的偿还其债务了。
2、they recognised that some countries are not just in need of bridging loans to tide them over, but may be unable to repay their debts.───但他们也承认,一些国家不仅需要过渡性贷款维持生命,还有可能无法偿还债务。
3、Those who buy developed-market bonds have generally considered it a foregone conclusion that countries repay their debts.───购买发达市场债券者一般认为国家偿还债务是必然结局。
4、Markets doubt that Greece and others can repay their debts even with much more time and fresh loans.───即便是获得更多时间和新的贷款,市场对希腊和其他国家偿还债务的能力仍旧表示怀疑。
5、An even bigger factor keeping them in line is the fear that they could be sent home before earning enough to repay their debts.───迫使他们安分守己的一个更重要因素是,他们担心自己会在赚够足以偿债的钱之前被遣送回国。
6、Wall Street's titans minted money in good times but now find it hard to repay their debts, if they are in business at all.───景气的时候,华尔街巨头们创造了大量的资产;现在,倒闭的倒闭,没倒闭的也很难QingChangZhaiWu。
7、Yet worries that state and local governments might not be able to repay their debts are now adding to the costs of borrowing.───然而,由于担心各州和地方政府可能无力偿付其债务,借贷成本已经提高。
8、But others warn that wage cuts would make it harder for workers to repay their debts.───但有些经济学家警告说,减薪会加重工作人员偿还债务的负担。
9、Wall Street's titans minted money in good times but now find it hard to repay their debts, if they are in business at all.───市场景气的时候,华尔街巨头们创造了大量的资产;现在,倒闭的倒闭,没倒闭的也很难QingChangZhaiWu。
repay their debts(英语使用场景)
1、The credit industry argues that the changes are needed to prevent people who can repay their debts from hiding behind bankruptcy law.
2、To get a credit card, they will need a parent or other adult over 21 to accept joint responsibility. Or they will need to show they can repay their debts independently.
repay their debts(意思翻译)
repay their debts(相似词语短语)
1、repay sb───报答某人
3、repay loan───偿还贷款
5、doubtful debts───可疑债务,呆账,难以收回的账款;可疑债券
7、seller repay───卖方还款
8、bad debts───n.坏账;收不回的债;死账;n.坏账; 呆账(收不回的账)( bad debt的名词复数 ); 倒账
9、repay you───报答你
repay their debts(双语使用场景)
1、It's now clear that Greece, Ireland and Portugal can't and won't repay their debts in full, although Spain might manage to tough it out.───现在明确的情况是,西班牙可能通过紧缩勉强偿还债务,爱尔兰和葡萄牙已经没有能力也不可能全额的偿还其债务了。
2、they recognised that some countries are not just in need of bridging loans to tide them over, but may be unable to repay their debts.───但他们也承认,一些国家不仅需要过渡性贷款维持生命,还有可能无法偿还债务。
3、Those who buy developed-market bonds have generally considered it a foregone conclusion that countries repay their debts.───购买发达市场债券者一般认为国家偿还债务是必然结局。
4、Markets doubt that Greece and others can repay their debts even with much more time and fresh loans.───即便是获得更多时间和新的贷款,市场对希腊和其他国家偿还债务的能力仍旧表示怀疑。
5、An even bigger factor keeping them in line is the fear that they could be sent home before earning enough to repay their debts.───迫使他们安分守己的一个更重要因素是,他们担心自己会在赚够足以偿债的钱之前被遣送回国。
6、Wall Street's titans minted money in good times but now find it hard to repay their debts, if they are in business at all.───景气的时候,华尔街巨头们创造了大量的资产;现在,倒闭的倒闭,没倒闭的也很难QingChangZhaiWu。
7、Yet worries that state and local governments might not be able to repay their debts are now adding to the costs of borrowing.───然而,由于担心各州和地方政府可能无力偿付其债务,借贷成本已经提高。
8、But others warn that wage cuts would make it harder for workers to repay their debts.───但有些经济学家警告说,减薪会加重工作人员偿还债务的负担。
9、Wall Street's titans minted money in good times but now find it hard to repay their debts, if they are in business at all.───市场景气的时候,华尔街巨头们创造了大量的资产;现在,倒闭的倒闭,没倒闭的也很难QingChangZhaiWu。
repay their debts(英语使用场景)
1、The credit industry argues that the changes are needed to prevent people who can repay their debts from hiding behind bankruptcy law.
2、To get a credit card, they will need a parent or other adult over 21 to accept joint responsibility. Or they will need to show they can repay their debts independently.