1、subject, place, scale and project for emergency exercise of the earthquake field work team have been introduced, and the writing of the exercise scheme has been discussed in this paper.───本文主要探讨了地震现场工作队应急演练的科目、场所、规模及演练方案的编写。
2、The Planning of Emergency Exercise of the Earthquake Field Work Team───地震现场工作队应急演练策划
3、Las Vegas was to star in the nation's first live exercise meant to simulate a terrorist attack with an atom bomb, the test involving about 10, 000 emergency responders.───拉斯维加斯将在该国首次意在模拟核恐怖袭击的实弹演习中扮演主角,该演习将测试约10 000个应急响应设备。
4、This was Exercise Flood Call, to prepare people for a flood emergency.───这是洪水演习,让人们为洪水来袭的紧急情况做好准备。
5、The Zhuhai Maritime Affairs Bureau and the Dounmen District Government jointly held a passenger ferry emergency exercise on August 23rd.───珠海海事局与斗门区政府23日联合举办斗门区客渡船水上应急联合演习。
emergency exercise(英语使用场景)
1、The Zhuhai Maritime Affairs Bureau and the Dounmen District Government jointly held a passenger ferry emergency exercise on August 23rd.
emergency exercise(意思翻译)
emergency exercise(相似词语短语)
2、emergency workers───应急人员
3、emergency telephone───应急电话;紧急电话
4、emergency service───应急服务;应急无线电通信业务;应急供电[检修],应急无线电通信业务
5、emergency equipment───事故设备;非常设备;非常设备,事故设备
7、emergency rooms───n.<美>急诊室( emergency room的名词复数 )
8、emergency meeting───紧急会议
9、exercise equipment───训练设备
emergency exercise(双语使用场景)
1、subject, place, scale and project for emergency exercise of the earthquake field work team have been introduced, and the writing of the exercise scheme has been discussed in this paper.───本文主要探讨了地震现场工作队应急演练的科目、场所、规模及演练方案的编写。
2、The Planning of Emergency Exercise of the Earthquake Field Work Team───地震现场工作队应急演练策划
3、Las Vegas was to star in the nation's first live exercise meant to simulate a terrorist attack with an atom bomb, the test involving about 10, 000 emergency responders.───拉斯维加斯将在该国首次意在模拟核恐怖袭击的实弹演习中扮演主角,该演习将测试约10 000个应急响应设备。
4、This was Exercise Flood Call, to prepare people for a flood emergency.───这是洪水演习,让人们为洪水来袭的紧急情况做好准备。
5、The Zhuhai Maritime Affairs Bureau and the Dounmen District Government jointly held a passenger ferry emergency exercise on August 23rd.───珠海海事局与斗门区政府23日联合举办斗门区客渡船水上应急联合演习。
emergency exercise(英语使用场景)
1、The Zhuhai Maritime Affairs Bureau and the Dounmen District Government jointly held a passenger ferry emergency exercise on August 23rd.