1、Then check to see whether the page counter is within the requested range of pages, and if so, write the current line; otherwise do not write.───然后检查页计数器是否在请求的页范围之内,若是,则写当前行;否则不写。
2、And guess what? The proposed interceptor in Poland would have little, if any, capability to counter the existing threat from Iran's short - and medium-range ballistic missiles.───你知道吗,计划在波兰部署的LanJieQi几乎没有能力来对抗YiLang现有的短程和中程弹道DaoDan所构成的威胁。
3、A Valid Method for Terminal Guidance Radar to Counter Range Gate Pull Off───末制导雷达抗距离拖引干扰的一种有效途径
4、Used in ducted and ductless range hoods and over the counter microwave ovens.───使用在有和无管道式抽油烟机以及柜式微波炉中。
counter range(意思翻译)
counter range(相似词语短语)
1、gas range───瓦斯炉具;煤气灶
2、mountain range───山脉; 山峦; 岭
3、predefined range───预定义范围
4、kitchen range───厨房炉灶
6、violoncello range───大提琴架
8、range with───使与…并列;与…平行;v.使与…并列,与…平行
9、lampyridae range───七鳃鳗科
counter range(双语使用场景)
1、Then check to see whether the page counter is within the requested range of pages, and if so, write the current line; otherwise do not write.───然后检查页计数器是否在请求的页范围之内,若是,则写当前行;否则不写。
2、And guess what? The proposed interceptor in Poland would have little, if any, capability to counter the existing threat from Iran's short - and medium-range ballistic missiles.───你知道吗,计划在波兰部署的LanJieQi几乎没有能力来对抗YiLang现有的短程和中程弹道DaoDan所构成的威胁。
3、A Valid Method for Terminal Guidance Radar to Counter Range Gate Pull Off───末制导雷达抗距离拖引干扰的一种有效途径
4、Used in ducted and ductless range hoods and over the counter microwave ovens.───使用在有和无管道式抽油烟机以及柜式微波炉中。