1、you bought things not just for need but to express your inner sense of your self to others.───即你买东西不只是作为必需而是你对其他人表达出的内心感觉
2、These constitute your inner sense of what's right and wrong based not on laws or rules of conduct but on who you are.───这些构成了你内心判断正误的标准,不是基于法律或行为准则,而是基于你个人。
3、Health is having an inner sense of vibrance and vitality.───健康还指对振动和活力拥有内里的感知觉。
4、What rules can help the child to set up his or her inner sense of order and security?───什么样的规则能帮助孩子建立内心的秩序感和安全感?
5、This is the inner sense of the tragedy of Liu Qiming, which at least can arouse the audience's sense of sadness.───这是刘骐鸣内心的悲剧意识,也至少能够唤起我们观众的忧伤意识。
6、It is an inner sense of touch.───它是一种内在的触觉。
7、The author believes that, only by handling inner sense of hearing and musical emotion, can players promote performing techniques.───只有把握好内心听觉和音乐的情感,演奏技术才能达到炉火纯青的程度。
8、There's always then an inner sense of incompleteness, and we are unable to fully experience an emotionally satisfying life.───总会有内在意义的不完整性,于是我们不能全面的体会到一种满足生活的情感。
9、Loving relationships that a child makes will give him an inner sense of security.───儿童所建立的友爱关系会使他的内心有一种安全感。
inner sense(英语使用场景)
1、Other self-defeating organizations rely on insincere optimism and empty slogans to mask an inner sense of desperation.
2、Inner sense, imagination and apperception create the possibility of synthetic judgments.
3、Loving relationships will give a child an inner sense of security.
inner sense(意思翻译)
inner sense(相似词语短语)
1、inner tube───轮胎之内胎
2、inner talent───内在才能
3、inner product───内积(即点积)
4、inner city───n.市中心,市中心区;市中心区,市中心
5、inner barrel───[矿业]内岩心筒
7、inner sloth───内懒惰
8、inner peace───内心的平静;内在和平;安心;内心平静
inner sense(双语使用场景)
1、you bought things not just for need but to express your inner sense of your self to others.───即你买东西不只是作为必需而是你对其他人表达出的内心感觉
2、These constitute your inner sense of what's right and wrong based not on laws or rules of conduct but on who you are.───这些构成了你内心判断正误的标准,不是基于法律或行为准则,而是基于你个人。
3、Health is having an inner sense of vibrance and vitality.───健康还指对振动和活力拥有内里的感知觉。
4、What rules can help the child to set up his or her inner sense of order and security?───什么样的规则能帮助孩子建立内心的秩序感和安全感?
5、This is the inner sense of the tragedy of Liu Qiming, which at least can arouse the audience's sense of sadness.───这是刘骐鸣内心的悲剧意识,也至少能够唤起我们观众的忧伤意识。
6、It is an inner sense of touch.───它是一种内在的触觉。
7、The author believes that, only by handling inner sense of hearing and musical emotion, can players promote performing techniques.───只有把握好内心听觉和音乐的情感,演奏技术才能达到炉火纯青的程度。
8、There's always then an inner sense of incompleteness, and we are unable to fully experience an emotionally satisfying life.───总会有内在意义的不完整性,于是我们不能全面的体会到一种满足生活的情感。
9、Loving relationships that a child makes will give him an inner sense of security.───儿童所建立的友爱关系会使他的内心有一种安全感。
inner sense(英语使用场景)
1、Other self-defeating organizations rely on insincere optimism and empty slogans to mask an inner sense of desperation.
2、Inner sense, imagination and apperception create the possibility of synthetic judgments.
3、Loving relationships will give a child an inner sense of security.