1、"Any changes will lie primarily in pilot-vehicle interface improvements and in additional aircraft capabilities, " Beesley says.───“所有的变动将主要集中在人机接口的改进和扩展飞机性能上,”比斯利说。
2、The reader locates in the urban white-collars, a love vehicle race, the student pilot and the high-end commerce crowd.───读者定位于城市白领、爱车一族、驾驶学员和高端商务人群。
3、During pilot tests in Singapore, forecasts made across 500 urban locations accurately predicted traffic volume 85 to 93 percent of the time and vehicle speed 87 to 95 percent of the time.───在新加坡进行的初步试验中,在500个城市地区进行的预测,准确预测当时百分之85至93的交通量,以及87到百分之95的车速。
4、It is known that this traffic accident is because the freight vehicle pilot is careless, and the vehicle speed creates too quickly.───据了解,该起交通事故是是由于货车驾驶员疏忽大意且车速太快造成的。
pilot vehicle(意思翻译)
pilot vehicle(相似词语短语)
1、chief pilot───正驾驶员;首席飞行员
2、pilot juice───飞行员果汁
4、pilot ladder───引水梯;领航员梯,绳梯;(引航员用的)绳梯
6、airline pilot───航空公司飞行员
7、pilot phase───试验阶段
8、pilot test───小规模试验;初步试验
9、flagstones pilot───石板飞行员
pilot vehicle(双语使用场景)
1、"Any changes will lie primarily in pilot-vehicle interface improvements and in additional aircraft capabilities, " Beesley says.───“所有的变动将主要集中在人机接口的改进和扩展飞机性能上,”比斯利说。
2、The reader locates in the urban white-collars, a love vehicle race, the student pilot and the high-end commerce crowd.───读者定位于城市白领、爱车一族、驾驶学员和高端商务人群。
3、During pilot tests in Singapore, forecasts made across 500 urban locations accurately predicted traffic volume 85 to 93 percent of the time and vehicle speed 87 to 95 percent of the time.───在新加坡进行的初步试验中,在500个城市地区进行的预测,准确预测当时百分之85至93的交通量,以及87到百分之95的车速。
4、It is known that this traffic accident is because the freight vehicle pilot is careless, and the vehicle speed creates too quickly.───据了解,该起交通事故是是由于货车驾驶员疏忽大意且车速太快造成的。