1、Look up from your phone, shut down that display, stop watching this video, live life the real way.───从你的手机抬起头看看,关掉那屏幕,别再看这部影片了,以真实的方式过生活吧。
2、Some people have a hard time just sitting. If that's the case, try this: next time you drive alone, shut everything off - phone and radio - and just breathe (with your eyes open, of course).───有些人感到如坐针毡,如果你是如此的话,试一下这个方法:下次你独自开车兜风,关掉所有东西——手机和收音机——仅呼吸(当然要睁着眼睛)。
3、So if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion.───所以,如果你是其中之一,请关掉你的手机在公众,尤其是在一个安静和严肃的场合。
shut your phone(意思翻译)
shut your phone(相似词语短语)
1、shut off───停止; 关掉; 隔绝; 使不进入;切断;关掉
2、shut up───安静,闭嘴; 关严; 憋;住口;关闭;妥藏起来
3、your phone app───你的手机应用程序
4、shut your table───关ShangNi的桌子
5、shut───vi.关上;停止营业;vt.& vi.关闭; 合上; 打烊; 闭上;adj.关闭; 停业; 合拢; 关门;n.关闭;vt.关闭;停业;幽禁;n.(Shut)人名;(俄)舒特;(中)室(广东话·威妥玛);adj.关闭的;围绕的
6、shut to───不对…开放;关上
7、Your phone───你的电话
8、shut close───闭嘴
9、mattered shut───关门大吉
shut your phone(双语使用场景)
1、Look up from your phone, shut down that display, stop watching this video, live life the real way.───从你的手机抬起头看看,关掉那屏幕,别再看这部影片了,以真实的方式过生活吧。
2、Some people have a hard time just sitting. If that's the case, try this: next time you drive alone, shut everything off - phone and radio - and just breathe (with your eyes open, of course).───有些人感到如坐针毡,如果你是如此的话,试一下这个方法:下次你独自开车兜风,关掉所有东西——手机和收音机——仅呼吸(当然要睁着眼睛)。
3、So if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion.───所以,如果你是其中之一,请关掉你的手机在公众,尤其是在一个安静和严肃的场合。