1、of partially acidulated phosphate rock compound fertilizer and the degeneration mechanism of water soluble phosphate in soil were introduced.───介绍了部分酸化磷矿一步法制复合肥的肥效及水溶磷在土壤中的退化机理。
2、of compound rock-body. They belong to mafic, ultramafic rocks which type are gabbro, pyroxenite and peridotite.───与铜镍矿成矿有关的岩体具有复合杂岩体特征,多属辉长岩—辉石岩—橄榄岩型镁铁—超镁铁质岩。
3、Experimental Study of Compound Rock's Behavior at Rock Salt's Over- layer───岩盐顶板复合岩石力学性质试验研究
4、In this paper some formulas to calculate the mass percentage of all sort of compound in and rock salt and mirabilite were created on the reaction rule of equal amount of substance.───本文以等物质的量的反应规则建立了岩盐、芒硝中各种化合物的质量分数的计算公式。
5、The results show that mighty compound cutting can give a good effect of sinking and blasting in hard rock shaft, and sinking velocity adopted for 2.───试验表明:强力复合掏槽在特硬岩立井掘进爆破中应用效果良好;2。
compound rock(意思翻译)
compound rock(相似词语短语)
1、palatial compound───腭复合体
2、buffing compound───磨光剂;抛光剂
4、chloroamine compound───氯胺化合物
5、reduplicative compound───重叠复合词
6、glazing compound───镶玻璃材料;玻璃油灰;玻璃密封胶
7、discretely compound───离散复合
8、dichromate compound───重铬酸盐化合物
9、patching compound───修补混合料
compound rock(双语使用场景)
1、of partially acidulated phosphate rock compound fertilizer and the degeneration mechanism of water soluble phosphate in soil were introduced.───介绍了部分酸化磷矿一步法制复合肥的肥效及水溶磷在土壤中的退化机理。
2、of compound rock-body. They belong to mafic, ultramafic rocks which type are gabbro, pyroxenite and peridotite.───与铜镍矿成矿有关的岩体具有复合杂岩体特征,多属辉长岩—辉石岩—橄榄岩型镁铁—超镁铁质岩。
3、Experimental Study of Compound Rock's Behavior at Rock Salt's Over- layer───岩盐顶板复合岩石力学性质试验研究
4、In this paper some formulas to calculate the mass percentage of all sort of compound in and rock salt and mirabilite were created on the reaction rule of equal amount of substance.───本文以等物质的量的反应规则建立了岩盐、芒硝中各种化合物的质量分数的计算公式。
5、The results show that mighty compound cutting can give a good effect of sinking and blasting in hard rock shaft, and sinking velocity adopted for 2.───试验表明:强力复合掏槽在特硬岩立井掘进爆破中应用效果良好;2。