1、Sometimes talking about things that are bothering me help me gain perspective and that can quickly turn a negative feeling around.───有时谈论一些困扰我的的事情能够帮我获得全新的观点,从而使消极情绪迅速消失。
2、This outsider observation can help you gain perspective on what's really going on.───这种“旁观者”的观察,有利于你对正在进行的争论观点持客观判断力。
3、So he is able to understand and absorb this century he's lived through, to gain perspective from it.───因此他有能力去理解和吸收他所经历的这个世纪,从中建立起自己的世界观。
4、Taking time out to gain perspective on what you are doing is valuable.───抽出时间仔细检讨自己做的哪些事情是有价值的。
5、perspective, you may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.───角度,你可能从伤害你的人的角度出发,给自己写一封信。
6、Reading for pleasure takes our mind of our problems, and doing this can help us to gain perspective.───快乐阅读可以把我们的视线从现实的烦恼中转移,这样做可以帮助我们获得全新的视角。
7、In a new place, we often gain perspective on our lives.───生活在别处,我们通常会获得有关自己生活的新的慧见。
8、Another great thing to do is constantly gain perspective on your life situation.───另外要做的一件大事就是要始终如一地正确认识你的生活处境。
9、One of the most obvious ways to gain perspective about others is to travel.───旅行是获得别人思想精华最为直接的办法之一。
gain perspective(意思翻译)
gain perspective(相似词语短语)
1、ambidexterity perspective───双灵巧视角
3、gain from───从…获得利益
4、converging perspective───会聚视角
6、demonological perspective───人口学视角
7、evolutionary perspective───进化观点
8、atmospheric perspective───大气TouShi
9、autoplastic perspective───自弹TouShi
gain perspective(双语使用场景)
1、Sometimes talking about things that are bothering me help me gain perspective and that can quickly turn a negative feeling around.───有时谈论一些困扰我的的事情能够帮我获得全新的观点,从而使消极情绪迅速消失。
2、This outsider observation can help you gain perspective on what's really going on.───这种“旁观者”的观察,有利于你对正在进行的争论观点持客观判断力。
3、So he is able to understand and absorb this century he's lived through, to gain perspective from it.───因此他有能力去理解和吸收他所经历的这个世纪,从中建立起自己的世界观。
4、Taking time out to gain perspective on what you are doing is valuable.───抽出时间仔细检讨自己做的哪些事情是有价值的。
5、perspective, you may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.───角度,你可能从伤害你的人的角度出发,给自己写一封信。
6、Reading for pleasure takes our mind of our problems, and doing this can help us to gain perspective.───快乐阅读可以把我们的视线从现实的烦恼中转移,这样做可以帮助我们获得全新的视角。
7、In a new place, we often gain perspective on our lives.───生活在别处,我们通常会获得有关自己生活的新的慧见。
8、Another great thing to do is constantly gain perspective on your life situation.───另外要做的一件大事就是要始终如一地正确认识你的生活处境。
9、One of the most obvious ways to gain perspective about others is to travel.───旅行是获得别人思想精华最为直接的办法之一。