1、The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre was formed in the 1950s and quickly established itself as a leading exponent of progressive choreography and contemporary dance.───阿尔文·艾利美国舞蹈剧形成于20世纪50年代,并很快树立自己为激进舞蹈艺术和现代舞蹈的最主要的典范。
2、Most of the choreography is light fleet and fantastical showcasing the pleasure of dance as pure craft and invention.───大部分的编舞轻快,并充满想象力,将舞蹈的快乐展示的就好象纯净的手工艺和发明。
3、We offer: Dance classes, creative plans for commercial performance, professional dance performance and dance choreography .───我们为您提供:舞蹈教学,各种晚会活动的演出策划,表演,编排等。
dance choreography(意思翻译)
dance choreography(相似词语短语)
1、choreography units───编舞单元
3、choreography definition───舞蹈定义
4、choreography table minecraft───舞蹈表
5、pop dance───流行舞
6、choreography generator───编舞发生器
7、choreography in hamilton───汉密尔顿舞蹈
8、choreography videos youtube───舞蹈视频youtube
9、ritual dance───仪式之舞;祭祀之舞;雅舞
dance choreography(双语使用场景)
1、The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre was formed in the 1950s and quickly established itself as a leading exponent of progressive choreography and contemporary dance.───阿尔文·艾利美国舞蹈剧形成于20世纪50年代,并很快树立自己为激进舞蹈艺术和现代舞蹈的最主要的典范。
2、Most of the choreography is light fleet and fantastical showcasing the pleasure of dance as pure craft and invention.───大部分的编舞轻快,并充满想象力,将舞蹈的快乐展示的就好象纯净的手工艺和发明。
3、We offer: Dance classes, creative plans for commercial performance, professional dance performance and dance choreography .───我们为您提供:舞蹈教学,各种晚会活动的演出策划,表演,编排等。