1、If the next generation loves you again, I must place you I at heart, protects you with that warm breath, no longer lets you SOB for me.───如果下辈子再爱你,我要把你放在我心里,用那温暖的气息呵护你,不再让你为我哭泣。
2、lonely in me do not say loves me, only if you really can give me to be joyful, that past wound momentarily was always reminding me, be not suffered again by that love.───不要在我寂寞的时候说爱我,除非你真的能给我快乐,那过去的伤总在随时提醒我,别再被那爱情折磨。
loves me again(意思翻译)
loves me again(相似词语短语)
1、he loves me───他爱我
2、jesus loves me───YeSu爱我
3、no one loves me───没有人爱我
4、not me again───又不是我了
5、call me again───再打给我
7、you me again───你又是我吗
8、loves me not───不爱我
9、again to me───对我来说又是这样
loves me again(双语使用场景)
1、If the next generation loves you again, I must place you I at heart, protects you with that warm breath, no longer lets you SOB for me.───如果下辈子再爱你,我要把你放在我心里,用那温暖的气息呵护你,不再让你为我哭泣。
2、lonely in me do not say loves me, only if you really can give me to be joyful, that past wound momentarily was always reminding me, be not suffered again by that love.───不要在我寂寞的时候说爱我,除非你真的能给我快乐,那过去的伤总在随时提醒我,别再被那爱情折磨。