1、But if Netflix wants to stream a film or a TV show it must do a separate deal with the company that produced it.───但是如果网飞公司想把电影或电视节目压缩成视频流,它就必须和制作公司签订一个单独的协议。
2、Pay TV providers pose the larger threat to Netflix.───对于网飞来说,更大的威胁来自付费电视提供商。
3、An emerging theory is that Apple will announce upgrades to its Apple TV service (with a report from Bloomberg saying it will include the ability to stream movies from Netflix).───一种理论称苹果将会发布其Apple TV服务的更新(根据Bloomberg的一份报告称它将会加入播放Netflix的影片的功能)。
netflix tv(意思翻译)
netflix tv(相似词语短语)
1、trinkets netflix───小饰品网飞
2、ungovernable netflix───无法管理的netflix
3、messiah netflix───弥赛亚网飞
4、ratchet netflix───棘轮网飞
5、reckon netflix───估计netflix
6、glow netflix───辉光网飞
7、away netflix───离开netflix
8、acrimony netflix───尖刻的netflix
9、netflix trip───netflix之旅
netflix tv(双语使用场景)
1、But if Netflix wants to stream a film or a TV show it must do a separate deal with the company that produced it.───但是如果网飞公司想把电影或电视节目压缩成视频流,它就必须和制作公司签订一个单独的协议。
2、Pay TV providers pose the larger threat to Netflix.───对于网飞来说,更大的威胁来自付费电视提供商。
3、An emerging theory is that Apple will announce upgrades to its Apple TV service (with a report from Bloomberg saying it will include the ability to stream movies from Netflix).───一种理论称苹果将会发布其Apple TV服务的更新(根据Bloomberg的一份报告称它将会加入播放Netflix的影片的功能)。