1、Common sense will would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults.───常识告诉我们身体活跃的孩子会更可能成为活跃健康的成年人。
2、Common sense will tell us that physically active children maybe more likely to become active and healthy adults.───常识告诉我们精神活跃的小孩在长大后也很可能成为活跃的人。
3、Children who are physically active tend to wear their clothes out quickly.───太好动的小孩,衣服很快就会穿破。
4、Common sense would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults.───普通常识会告诉我们,从事体力活动的儿童可能会更有可能成为积极和健康的成年人。
5、The new guidance from the British health department said children under five who can walk should be physically active for at least three hours a day.───英国卫生署的最新指南说,已经可以走路的五岁以下孩童一天应该要进行至少三小时的身体运动。
physically active children(意思翻译)
physically active children(相似词语短语)
1、physically demanding───身体需求;需要体力劳动的
2、physically fit───身体健康
4、active motif───活动母题
6、physically broken───身体受伤
7、ellagic active───鞣花活性
8、physically active───精力富足;身体活跃
physically active children(双语使用场景)
1、Common sense will would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults.───常识告诉我们身体活跃的孩子会更可能成为活跃健康的成年人。
2、Common sense will tell us that physically active children maybe more likely to become active and healthy adults.───常识告诉我们精神活跃的小孩在长大后也很可能成为活跃的人。
3、Children who are physically active tend to wear their clothes out quickly.───太好动的小孩,衣服很快就会穿破。
4、Common sense would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults.───普通常识会告诉我们,从事体力活动的儿童可能会更有可能成为积极和健康的成年人。
5、The new guidance from the British health department said children under five who can walk should be physically active for at least three hours a day.───英国卫生署的最新指南说,已经可以走路的五岁以下孩童一天应该要进行至少三小时的身体运动。