1、propagation and redistribution of radiation in surface-atmosphere medium can be fully described by vector radiative transfer equation, which is the basis of quantitative remote sensing.───矢量辐射传输方程定量描述了辐射在地表-大气耦合介质中的传输过程,是定量遥感的基础。
2、In this paper, a new scheme of vector quantization is described to reduce the effect of error propagation.───为了降低误差积累的影响,本文提出了一种新型的矢量量化方法。
3、Many users leave their systems online continuously through laziness or ignorance, resulting in a significant source of power consumption, as well as an additional vector for malware propagation.───许多用户由于偷懒或不小心而使XiTong保持连续在线,因而导致消耗大量电力资源,并且为恶意传播提供了更多可能性。
propagation vector(意思翻译)
propagation vector(相似词语短语)
1、vector arena───矢量竞技场
2、expectation propagation───期望传播
4、brushes vector───画笔矢量
5、costate vector───共态向量
6、electrotonic propagation───[医]电紧张传播由膜的被动电学特征所决定的、仅在局部(几毫米之内)形成的电传播
7、apsidal vector───半圆形矢量
8、bugleweed propagation───小蜂繁殖
propagation vector(双语使用场景)
1、propagation and redistribution of radiation in surface-atmosphere medium can be fully described by vector radiative transfer equation, which is the basis of quantitative remote sensing.───矢量辐射传输方程定量描述了辐射在地表-大气耦合介质中的传输过程,是定量遥感的基础。
2、In this paper, a new scheme of vector quantization is described to reduce the effect of error propagation.───为了降低误差积累的影响,本文提出了一种新型的矢量量化方法。
3、Many users leave their systems online continuously through laziness or ignorance, resulting in a significant source of power consumption, as well as an additional vector for malware propagation.───许多用户由于偷懒或不小心而使XiTong保持连续在线,因而导致消耗大量电力资源,并且为恶意传播提供了更多可能性。