1、SYSTEMATIC ERROR - the mean of a large number of measurements influenced by systematic error deviates from the true value.───XiTong误差 (S Y S T E M A T I C E R R O R)-受XiTong自身分布误差影响的大量测量结果的平均值与真值的偏差。
2、The finding deviates from previously published psychology studies which equate moral violation solely with disgust.───这一发现与之前发表的心理学研究结果有些出入,之前结果皆是对违背道德的厌恶。
3、Identify key metrics and receive alerts when performance deviates.───性能下降时识别关键指标并接收警告。
4、He never deviates from his regular habits.───他从不改变自己通常的习惯。
5、The simplified stochastic equal-weighting model implies that all the measurements are with the same precision which deviates from reality.───等权随机模型假设各原始卫星观测值等精度,这与实际情况不完全符合。
6、As a result, the practice of human behavior deviates from its original orbit of the real, to their opposite, the human into a full crisis.───由此,人的实践行为也偏离了其原有的本真轨道,走向了自己的反面,人类陷入了全面的危机之中。
7、But it was known for quite a while that the orbit of Mercury deviates from Newton's laws of motion.───但是它已经被众人知晓,水星的轨道偏离了牛顿的运动定律。
8、Suppose you postulate that it deviates from that in a way that it is proportion to the force and inversely proportion to the mass.───如果你假设其偏离运动的存在,那么它与引力成正比与质量成反比。
9、So it is Schopenhauer's philosophy that deviates from the traditional philosophy and becomes the beginning of modern philosophy.───因此,叔本华哲学是西方哲学背离传统、走向现代的开端。
1、No creature ever deviates from its instinctive mental programming.
2、The recent pattern of weather deviates from the norm for this time of year.
3、The larynx of the gibbon deviates from the basic plan found in the Pongidae and man, thus reflecting its special phylogenetic position.
4、He never deviates from his regular habits.
5、The limit occurs when the ordinate deviates appreciably from unity.
6、Literature transforms and intensifies ordinary languge, deviates systematically from everyday speach.
7、In speech sound statistics, the word occurance deviates from Poisson distribution for random discrete variable.
8、The boy's behavior deviates from the usual pattern.
9、Anything that deviates from what is customary is going to raise questions among the peer group.
1、deviates meaning───偏离意义
2、deviates define───偏离定义
3、deviates syn───偏离同步
4、deviates definition───偏离定义
5、deviates band───偏离波段
1、SYSTEMATIC ERROR - the mean of a large number of measurements influenced by systematic error deviates from the true value.───XiTong误差 (S Y S T E M A T I C E R R O R)-受XiTong自身分布误差影响的大量测量结果的平均值与真值的偏差。
2、The finding deviates from previously published psychology studies which equate moral violation solely with disgust.───这一发现与之前发表的心理学研究结果有些出入,之前结果皆是对违背道德的厌恶。
3、Identify key metrics and receive alerts when performance deviates.───性能下降时识别关键指标并接收警告。
4、He never deviates from his regular habits.───他从不改变自己通常的习惯。
5、The simplified stochastic equal-weighting model implies that all the measurements are with the same precision which deviates from reality.───等权随机模型假设各原始卫星观测值等精度,这与实际情况不完全符合。
6、As a result, the practice of human behavior deviates from its original orbit of the real, to their opposite, the human into a full crisis.───由此,人的实践行为也偏离了其原有的本真轨道,走向了自己的反面,人类陷入了全面的危机之中。
7、But it was known for quite a while that the orbit of Mercury deviates from Newton's laws of motion.───但是它已经被众人知晓,水星的轨道偏离了牛顿的运动定律。
8、Suppose you postulate that it deviates from that in a way that it is proportion to the force and inversely proportion to the mass.───如果你假设其偏离运动的存在,那么它与引力成正比与质量成反比。
9、So it is Schopenhauer's philosophy that deviates from the traditional philosophy and becomes the beginning of modern philosophy.───因此,叔本华哲学是西方哲学背离传统、走向现代的开端。
1、No creature ever deviates from its instinctive mental programming.
2、The recent pattern of weather deviates from the norm for this time of year.
3、The larynx of the gibbon deviates from the basic plan found in the Pongidae and man, thus reflecting its special phylogenetic position.
4、He never deviates from his regular habits.
5、The limit occurs when the ordinate deviates appreciably from unity.
6、Literature transforms and intensifies ordinary languge, deviates systematically from everyday speach.
7、In speech sound statistics, the word occurance deviates from Poisson distribution for random discrete variable.
8、The boy's behavior deviates from the usual pattern.
9、Anything that deviates from what is customary is going to raise questions among the peer group.