1、The strong memory of summer half year SST in EEP plays a role in the long forecast.───夏半年赤道东太平洋海温的强的“记忆”能力对长期天气趋势预报有一定的意义。
2、yet forgetful: Being intelligent with a strong memory yet deleting all the trash and negativity.───但又善忘,敏而好学,有很好的记忆力,但又懂得取舍,删除所有的垃圾信息和负面情绪。
3、Oh, it's real. In fact, a study on elephant memory shows that having a strong memory helps elephants survive in the wild.───这是真的。实际上,一个针对大象记忆里的研究表明超强的记忆力帮助了大象在这个世界生存。
4、The professor's sense of humor and strong memory left a deep impression on all the people present.───那位教授的幽默感和很强的记忆力给每个在场的人留下了深刻的印象。
5、High intelligence, a strong memory, attention to detail and extreme focus are good traits to possess in the trade.───高智商,很强的记忆力,关注细节的能力以及深度关注的能力都是从事该工作的必备能力。
6、Oh, very strong. . . memory of Pierre Trudeau, yes, yes. -Good ones? Any ones that are good that you can share?───哦,非常强烈…对皮埃尔•特鲁多的回忆,是的,是。-美好的回忆?有你能与我们分享的美好回忆吗?
7、You are very sensitive to data. You have a very strong memory and good imagination, and you also have a strong feeling of time concept.───对数字很敏感,你有很强的记忆力和联想力,对时间概念也有很强的感受力。
8、All of these scenarios would take lot of effort, time, and a strong memory for file names.───所有这些情形都会花费许多精力和时间,并且要求牢记文件名。
strong memory(英语使用场景)
1、The strong memory of summer half year SST in EEP plays a role in the long forecast.
strong memory(意思翻译)
strong memory(相似词语短语)
1、strong matte───强哑光
4、strong view───n.商业智能软件
5、strong beat───强拍
6、strong accent───很重的口音
7、strong world───强大的世界
8、strong feelings───强烈的感情;强烈的感受性
9、strong willed───坚强的意志;强烈意愿;战胜自我
strong memory(双语使用场景)
1、The strong memory of summer half year SST in EEP plays a role in the long forecast.───夏半年赤道东太平洋海温的强的“记忆”能力对长期天气趋势预报有一定的意义。
2、yet forgetful: Being intelligent with a strong memory yet deleting all the trash and negativity.───但又善忘,敏而好学,有很好的记忆力,但又懂得取舍,删除所有的垃圾信息和负面情绪。
3、Oh, it's real. In fact, a study on elephant memory shows that having a strong memory helps elephants survive in the wild.───这是真的。实际上,一个针对大象记忆里的研究表明超强的记忆力帮助了大象在这个世界生存。
4、The professor's sense of humor and strong memory left a deep impression on all the people present.───那位教授的幽默感和很强的记忆力给每个在场的人留下了深刻的印象。
5、High intelligence, a strong memory, attention to detail and extreme focus are good traits to possess in the trade.───高智商,很强的记忆力,关注细节的能力以及深度关注的能力都是从事该工作的必备能力。
6、Oh, very strong. . . memory of Pierre Trudeau, yes, yes. -Good ones? Any ones that are good that you can share?───哦,非常强烈…对皮埃尔•特鲁多的回忆,是的,是。-美好的回忆?有你能与我们分享的美好回忆吗?
7、You are very sensitive to data. You have a very strong memory and good imagination, and you also have a strong feeling of time concept.───对数字很敏感,你有很强的记忆力和联想力,对时间概念也有很强的感受力。
8、All of these scenarios would take lot of effort, time, and a strong memory for file names.───所有这些情形都会花费许多精力和时间,并且要求牢记文件名。
strong memory(英语使用场景)
1、The strong memory of summer half year SST in EEP plays a role in the long forecast.