1、Ensure that the file Cabinet template is cusfilecab.ntf.───保证file Cabinet模板是cusfilecab . ntf。
2、Lower and raise the ramp to see how the angle of inclination affects the parallel forces acting on the file cabinet.───把斜坡抬高或放低,看倾斜角度如何影响文件盒上的平行作用力。
3、Edit the File Cabinet template DocEvents script library.───编辑文件柜模板docevents脚本库。
4、This process is comparable to taking a piece of paper out of a file cabinet and putting it on your desk, ready for use.───这个过程就好比是从文件柜中取出一张纸,并将其放在桌面上,以便进行使用。
5、Under the General Information section, enter the title and the name of the File Cabinet template that you created.───在GeneralInformation节中输入创建的文件柜模板的标题和名称。
6、Create a custom File Cabinet template.───创建自定义的文件柜模板。
7、You have one file cabinet, but there are few limits as to what and how much you can fit into the file cabinet.───虽然只有一个文件柜,但是在其中放什么和放多少没有什么限制。
8、A standard chemistry lab's NMR machine approaches the size of a file cabinet, but the new device is only about as big as a coffee cup.───化学实验室里标准大小的核磁共振机和一个文件柜差不多,但新做成的这微型核磁共振机和一个咖啡杯差不多大。
9、Your job will be stored in the printer as if it is an electronic file cabinet .───您的作业会储存在打印机上,好像打印机是电子文件柜。
file cabinet(英语使用场景)
1、There is a massive file cabinet stuffed with documents so old and densely packed they may be ready to ignite spontaneously.
2、Just love waterdrop fountain or file cabinet paper shredder is extremeccly common is outstanding enterprises.
3、File cabinet. Drawer clearance can be shown or hidden.
4、The company specializes in a filing cabinet, safe, file cabinet, tools, cabinets, equipment finance, storage shelves, and so on.
5、It's in the middle drawer of the file cabinet.
6、Lydia goes to the file cabinet and rummages in a folder.
7、I have a file cabinet.
8、Put the document in this file cabinet.
9、They struggled the heavy file cabinet into the elevator.
file cabinet(意思翻译)
file cabinet(相似词语短语)
2、kitchen cabinet───n.非官方顾问团,私人顾问团;厨房的餐具柜;n. (Shou Chang)参谋团,厨房的餐具柜(或碗柜)菜橱,碗柜
3、sturdy file cabinet───坚固的文件柜
4、disinfection cabinet───消毒柜
5、medicine cabinet───药柜;医药箱;n.医药箱
7、pius cabinet───内阁
8、marshaling cabinet───编组柜
9、floorless cabinet───无地板柜
file cabinet(双语使用场景)
1、Ensure that the file Cabinet template is cusfilecab.ntf.───保证file Cabinet模板是cusfilecab . ntf。
2、Lower and raise the ramp to see how the angle of inclination affects the parallel forces acting on the file cabinet.───把斜坡抬高或放低,看倾斜角度如何影响文件盒上的平行作用力。
3、Edit the File Cabinet template DocEvents script library.───编辑文件柜模板docevents脚本库。
4、This process is comparable to taking a piece of paper out of a file cabinet and putting it on your desk, ready for use.───这个过程就好比是从文件柜中取出一张纸,并将其放在桌面上,以便进行使用。
5、Under the General Information section, enter the title and the name of the File Cabinet template that you created.───在GeneralInformation节中输入创建的文件柜模板的标题和名称。
6、Create a custom File Cabinet template.───创建自定义的文件柜模板。
7、You have one file cabinet, but there are few limits as to what and how much you can fit into the file cabinet.───虽然只有一个文件柜,但是在其中放什么和放多少没有什么限制。
8、A standard chemistry lab's NMR machine approaches the size of a file cabinet, but the new device is only about as big as a coffee cup.───化学实验室里标准大小的核磁共振机和一个文件柜差不多,但新做成的这微型核磁共振机和一个咖啡杯差不多大。
9、Your job will be stored in the printer as if it is an electronic file cabinet .───您的作业会储存在打印机上,好像打印机是电子文件柜。
file cabinet(英语使用场景)
1、There is a massive file cabinet stuffed with documents so old and densely packed they may be ready to ignite spontaneously.
2、Just love waterdrop fountain or file cabinet paper shredder is extremeccly common is outstanding enterprises.
3、File cabinet. Drawer clearance can be shown or hidden.
4、The company specializes in a filing cabinet, safe, file cabinet, tools, cabinets, equipment finance, storage shelves, and so on.
5、It's in the middle drawer of the file cabinet.
6、Lydia goes to the file cabinet and rummages in a folder.
7、I have a file cabinet.
8、Put the document in this file cabinet.
9、They struggled the heavy file cabinet into the elevator.