1、Strengthening the system of pension insurance legislation and supervision, improving the efficiency of pension insurance fund.───加强养老保险制度立法与监管,提高养老保险基金的效率。
2、The socialized-old age insurance system can be divided into the urban pension insurance system and the rural pension insurance system.───社会养老保险体系分为城镇社会养老保险体系和农村社会养老保险体系。
3、Actually, the theoretical research of the rural social pension insurance system is behind its exploration and innovation in practical area.───实际上,农村社会养老保险制度的理论研究滞后于其在实践领域的探索与创新。
4、Therefore, the implementation of pension insurance may be a significant part of revenue from high-income class shifted to low-income class.───因此,养老保险的实施将可能显著地将一部分收入从高收入阶层转移到低收入阶层。
5、Building a new pension insurance firstly needs to establish a set of scientific pension evaluation index system to weigh it.───而养老保险制度是否有效需要一套科学可行的评价指标体系对其进行全面考核。
6、Taking inflation into account, it is better to induct the indexation adjustment mechanism which improve the pension insurance system;───在考虑到通货膨胀因素后,引入指数化调整机制,进一步完善了养老金发放思路;
7、The article probes into raising the distribution effect of social pension insurance payment and reducing payment management costs.───本文侧重从如何提高社会养老保险金支出的分配效应及降低支出管理成本的角度进行阐述。
8、Unsurprisingly deposit- and pension-insurance schemes tend to be popular, given the harm to losers when banks and retirement funds fail.───无疑,有鉴于银行与退休基金投资失败时对受害者的伤害,存款与养老金保险机制会越来越流行。
9、This paper analysis the influence of financial bearing of pension insurance fund gap to consumption.───本文从理论和实证两个角度分析了养老金缺口财政负担对居民消费所产生的影响。
pension insurance(意思翻译)
pension insurance(相似词语短语)
1、retirement pension───n.退休金,养老金
2、pension scheme───退休金计划;养老金[退休金]计划
4、pension rebate───养老金回扣
5、iam pension───思考
6、pension funds───养老基金;抚恤基金
8、pension fund───养老基金,退休基金;养老基金;退休基金
9、pension payments───退休金支付
pension insurance(双语使用场景)
1、Strengthening the system of pension insurance legislation and supervision, improving the efficiency of pension insurance fund.───加强养老保险制度立法与监管,提高养老保险基金的效率。
2、The socialized-old age insurance system can be divided into the urban pension insurance system and the rural pension insurance system.───社会养老保险体系分为城镇社会养老保险体系和农村社会养老保险体系。
3、Actually, the theoretical research of the rural social pension insurance system is behind its exploration and innovation in practical area.───实际上,农村社会养老保险制度的理论研究滞后于其在实践领域的探索与创新。
4、Therefore, the implementation of pension insurance may be a significant part of revenue from high-income class shifted to low-income class.───因此,养老保险的实施将可能显著地将一部分收入从高收入阶层转移到低收入阶层。
5、Building a new pension insurance firstly needs to establish a set of scientific pension evaluation index system to weigh it.───而养老保险制度是否有效需要一套科学可行的评价指标体系对其进行全面考核。
6、Taking inflation into account, it is better to induct the indexation adjustment mechanism which improve the pension insurance system;───在考虑到通货膨胀因素后,引入指数化调整机制,进一步完善了养老金发放思路;
7、The article probes into raising the distribution effect of social pension insurance payment and reducing payment management costs.───本文侧重从如何提高社会养老保险金支出的分配效应及降低支出管理成本的角度进行阐述。
8、Unsurprisingly deposit- and pension-insurance schemes tend to be popular, given the harm to losers when banks and retirement funds fail.───无疑,有鉴于银行与退休基金投资失败时对受害者的伤害,存款与养老金保险机制会越来越流行。
9、This paper analysis the influence of financial bearing of pension insurance fund gap to consumption.───本文从理论和实证两个角度分析了养老金缺口财政负担对居民消费所产生的影响。