1、He felt so cold that he kept trembling as if unable to endure it any more.───他冷得直发抖,似乎不能再忍受下去了。
2、I felt so lonesome after he left.───他离开后我感到非常孤单。
3、I've never felt so humiliated.───我从未感到如此羞辱。
4、I felt so sad that I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation dance, and I didn't care if I had a new dress or not.───我觉得忧愁,因而我在我的即将来临毕业跳舞方面变成完全无利害关系,和我做不照料是否我有一新的洋装。
5、One CEO I consulted felt so strongly about it he told me I would be a fool to leave Compaq for Apple.───一个CEO也坚定地告诉我,如果我为了苹果公司离开Compaq是非常愚蠢的。
6、Nobody thought of the flower which had felt so much for the bird and had so greatly desired to comfort it.───没有人想到这朵花,她曾经如此同情那只鸟,曾经如此渴望去安慰他。
7、Hearing this, Tess felt so sick at heart that she could not decide to go home publicly in the fly with her luggage and belongings.───苔丝听了这番话心里感到非常难受,再也下不了决心坐着马车拉着行李杂物公开回家了。
8、I've seldom felt so happy.───我很少感到过这么快乐了。
9、But when I saw him, I felt so much love that I had no choice but to sacrifice my own hopes to give him the best start in life.───但当我看到他时,我充满了爱觉得我必须牺牲自己的希望以给他人生最好的起点。
felt so(英语使用场景)
1、I felt so lonesome after he left.
2、I've never felt so humiliated in all my life.
3、Samadov said that he felt so ill that he blacked out.
4、I felt so self-conscious under Luke's mother's intense gaze.
felt so(意思翻译)
felt so(相似词语短语)
1、stiffen felt───硬毡
3、felt better───感觉好点了
4、felt hat───毡帽;呢帽
5、elves felt───精灵感觉
6、felt ill───难受;感到不适;感觉病了
7、felt throughout───全程感受
8、felt pen───n.毡头笔,水笔 (油墨)毡笔;水彩笔;毡笔
9、calendering felt───压延毡
felt so(双语使用场景)
1、He felt so cold that he kept trembling as if unable to endure it any more.───他冷得直发抖,似乎不能再忍受下去了。
2、I felt so lonesome after he left.───他离开后我感到非常孤单。
3、I've never felt so humiliated.───我从未感到如此羞辱。
4、I felt so sad that I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation dance, and I didn't care if I had a new dress or not.───我觉得忧愁,因而我在我的即将来临毕业跳舞方面变成完全无利害关系,和我做不照料是否我有一新的洋装。
5、One CEO I consulted felt so strongly about it he told me I would be a fool to leave Compaq for Apple.───一个CEO也坚定地告诉我,如果我为了苹果公司离开Compaq是非常愚蠢的。
6、Nobody thought of the flower which had felt so much for the bird and had so greatly desired to comfort it.───没有人想到这朵花,她曾经如此同情那只鸟,曾经如此渴望去安慰他。
7、Hearing this, Tess felt so sick at heart that she could not decide to go home publicly in the fly with her luggage and belongings.───苔丝听了这番话心里感到非常难受,再也下不了决心坐着马车拉着行李杂物公开回家了。
8、I've seldom felt so happy.───我很少感到过这么快乐了。
9、But when I saw him, I felt so much love that I had no choice but to sacrifice my own hopes to give him the best start in life.───但当我看到他时,我充满了爱觉得我必须牺牲自己的希望以给他人生最好的起点。
felt so(英语使用场景)
1、I felt so lonesome after he left.
2、I've never felt so humiliated in all my life.
3、Samadov said that he felt so ill that he blacked out.
4、I felt so self-conscious under Luke's mother's intense gaze.
5、I felt so sleepy I couldn't stop yawning.
6、I've never felt so humiliated.
7、Never had he felt so completely naked.
8、Never in her life had she felt so happy.
9、He felt so powerless.