6、political prisoners───n.ZhengZhiFan( political prisoner的名词复数 )
8、political instability───政治不稳定性
political prisoner(双语使用场景)
1、When the infamous attempt to reclaim Cuba failed, in April 1961, my dad was again taken as a political prisoner by Castro's forces.───1961年四月,这次臭名昭著的收复古巴的尝试失败了,而我父亲则再次被卡斯特罗军作为ZhengZhiFan俘虏了。
2、Indeed, he had the advantage of scripting it as the father of the Soviet H-bomb, dissident and a political prisoner.───确实,他因作为苏联QingDan之父、持异议者与ZhengZhiFan而标榜史册。
3、Now, at a train station in communist East Germany, he learns that his mother died while he languished as a political prisoner.───现在,在一个GongChan主义东德的一个火车站里,他知道了TaMa妈在他被当做政治囚犯羁押期间去世了的消息。
4、He spent five years as a political prisoner in his native country where Win says he was tortured and starved.───他在自己的国家里,作为一名ZhengZhiFan,蹲了五年监狱,遭受虐打和饥饿。
5、Nelson Mandela has been a lawyer and a freedom fighter. A political prisoner, peacemaker and president.───纳尔逊·曼德拉曾经是律师和自由战士、一个ZhengZhiFan、和平缔造者和总统、一个民族创伤的愈合者。
6、The political prisoner returns to his cell very angry, and complains to the other inmates about this disrespectful answer.───ZhengZhiFan回到牢房非常生气,并且向其它囚犯抱怨狱卒的无礼。
political prisoner(意思翻译)
political prisoner(相似词语短语)
1、political cartoons───政治漫画;政治卡通
2、political geography───n.政治地理学
3、escaping prisoner───逃犯
4、political leaders───政治领袖(political leader的复数);政治领袖(politicalleader的复数)
5、political map───[测]政治地图;行政区域图
6、political prisoners───n.ZhengZhiFan( political prisoner的名词复数 )
8、political instability───政治不稳定性
political prisoner(双语使用场景)
1、When the infamous attempt to reclaim Cuba failed, in April 1961, my dad was again taken as a political prisoner by Castro's forces.───1961年四月,这次臭名昭著的收复古巴的尝试失败了,而我父亲则再次被卡斯特罗军作为ZhengZhiFan俘虏了。
2、Indeed, he had the advantage of scripting it as the father of the Soviet H-bomb, dissident and a political prisoner.───确实,他因作为苏联QingDan之父、持异议者与ZhengZhiFan而标榜史册。
3、Now, at a train station in communist East Germany, he learns that his mother died while he languished as a political prisoner.───现在,在一个GongChan主义东德的一个火车站里,他知道了TaMa妈在他被当做政治囚犯羁押期间去世了的消息。
4、He spent five years as a political prisoner in his native country where Win says he was tortured and starved.───他在自己的国家里,作为一名ZhengZhiFan,蹲了五年监狱,遭受虐打和饥饿。
5、Nelson Mandela has been a lawyer and a freedom fighter. A political prisoner, peacemaker and president.───纳尔逊·曼德拉曾经是律师和自由战士、一个ZhengZhiFan、和平缔造者和总统、一个民族创伤的愈合者。
6、The political prisoner returns to his cell very angry, and complains to the other inmates about this disrespectful answer.───ZhengZhiFan回到牢房非常生气,并且向其它囚犯抱怨狱卒的无礼。