1、AH seriesflame-proof junction box code, outline and descriptions as the following table.───系列隔爆型接线盒代号,外形及名称一览表。
2、Written by 20th century Russian box code, you can box the shape of the assembly.───20世纪写的俄罗斯方块代码,可以组装方块的形状。
3、DWS consists of a common metadata-driven run time, and there is no "black box" code that gets generated under the covers.───DWS由一个公共元数据驱动运行时组成,不会在幕后生成任何“黑盒”代码。
4、Now that you have the ad box code in DHTML, you can see how to implement it in PHP (see Listing 2).───现在已经有了广告框的DHTML代码,接下来让我们看看如何在PHP中实现它(参见清单2)。
5、Android system is designed to treat applications as a sort of federation of loosely-coupled components, rather than chunks of black-box code.───AndroisXiTong的设计原则就是将每个应用看成是各种组件的一种松散耦合体,而不是一行行的黑盒子代码。
6、Now that you have the AD box code in DHTML, you can see how to implement it in PHP (see Listing 2).───现在已经有了广告框的DHTML代码,接下来让我们看看如何在php中实现它(参见清单2)。
box code(意思翻译)
box code(相似词语短语)
1、access code───选取码;选[存]取码
2、conferee code───会商代码
3、object code───目标代码;结果代码
4、box what box───盒子什么盒子
5、box to box───箱对箱
6、clearing code───清算代码
7、lnvltatlon code───LNVLTLON代码
8、box───n. (Box)(英、法、西)博克斯(人名);n.箱,盒子;包厢;一拳;电视机;(足球)罚球区,禁区;(棒球)击球区;vt.拳击;装……入盒中;打耳光;vi.拳击
box code(双语使用场景)
1、AH seriesflame-proof junction box code, outline and descriptions as the following table.───系列隔爆型接线盒代号,外形及名称一览表。
2、Written by 20th century Russian box code, you can box the shape of the assembly.───20世纪写的俄罗斯方块代码,可以组装方块的形状。
3、DWS consists of a common metadata-driven run time, and there is no "black box" code that gets generated under the covers.───DWS由一个公共元数据驱动运行时组成,不会在幕后生成任何“黑盒”代码。
4、Now that you have the ad box code in DHTML, you can see how to implement it in PHP (see Listing 2).───现在已经有了广告框的DHTML代码,接下来让我们看看如何在PHP中实现它(参见清单2)。
5、Android system is designed to treat applications as a sort of federation of loosely-coupled components, rather than chunks of black-box code.───AndroisXiTong的设计原则就是将每个应用看成是各种组件的一种松散耦合体,而不是一行行的黑盒子代码。
6、Now that you have the AD box code in DHTML, you can see how to implement it in PHP (see Listing 2).───现在已经有了广告框的DHTML代码,接下来让我们看看如何在php中实现它(参见清单2)。