1、Huge iceberg breaks off the continent each year, while in winter half the surrounding ocean freezes over, which means its size almost doubles.───巨大的冰山每年都会从DaLu上脱离,在冬天这些冰山周围一半的海水会结冰,这意味着冰山的体积几乎要增加一倍。
2、Flu usually breaks out in winter.───流感通常发生在冬季。
3、I come from European football where winter breaks are a necessity and for many years has been accepted as the norm.───我曾经工作的地方冬歇期是很重要的,一年年的已经成为了一种传统。
4、School alumni employ students during summer and winter breaks.───在寒暑假期间,学生可以到校友办的公司打工。
5、Young kids can get bored during winter breaks and snow days.───小孩子们在冬天到来及雪花飞舞的日子里会变得比较烦人。
6、Offer to young persons wandering out in the fields when the winter breaks up.───献给初春时节漫步于田野的年轻人。
7、at 60 year low on ending stocks leaving us one dry growing season from running out. Additionally, our winter crop breaks dormancy probably within 10 to 15 days in the western plains.───60年来最低的期末库存量和生长季节可能出现的干燥天气,加上西部平原的冬小麦将在大概10至15天内打破冬眠期,未来几个月将有太多的不确定性。
8、Hi everyone, Well, the Galaxy have played their last match this year and now all the players head off on their winter breaks.───银河队完成了本赛季的最后一场比赛,所有的队员都在享受他们的冬季假期。
winter breaks(意思翻译)
winter breaks(相似词语短语)
2、take breaks───休息
4、have breaks───休息一下
5、levee breaks───堤坝决口
6、aphonic breaks───失音中断
7、the breaks───休息时间
8、commercial breaks───(广播、电视中插播的)商业广告
9、breaks down───分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服
winter breaks(双语使用场景)
1、Huge iceberg breaks off the continent each year, while in winter half the surrounding ocean freezes over, which means its size almost doubles.───巨大的冰山每年都会从DaLu上脱离,在冬天这些冰山周围一半的海水会结冰,这意味着冰山的体积几乎要增加一倍。
2、Flu usually breaks out in winter.───流感通常发生在冬季。
3、I come from European football where winter breaks are a necessity and for many years has been accepted as the norm.───我曾经工作的地方冬歇期是很重要的,一年年的已经成为了一种传统。
4、School alumni employ students during summer and winter breaks.───在寒暑假期间,学生可以到校友办的公司打工。
5、Young kids can get bored during winter breaks and snow days.───小孩子们在冬天到来及雪花飞舞的日子里会变得比较烦人。
6、Offer to young persons wandering out in the fields when the winter breaks up.───献给初春时节漫步于田野的年轻人。
7、at 60 year low on ending stocks leaving us one dry growing season from running out. Additionally, our winter crop breaks dormancy probably within 10 to 15 days in the western plains.───60年来最低的期末库存量和生长季节可能出现的干燥天气,加上西部平原的冬小麦将在大概10至15天内打破冬眠期,未来几个月将有太多的不确定性。
8、Hi everyone, Well, the Galaxy have played their last match this year and now all the players head off on their winter breaks.───银河队完成了本赛季的最后一场比赛,所有的队员都在享受他们的冬季假期。