1、More people, us included, will make the shift to XMPP, which will provide the missing evidence to create momentum toward a tipping point.───包括我们在内的更多人会转移到XMPP,它会提供丢失掉的信息来对顶端建立要素。
2、There was also evidence for missing upper side planks.───也有证据表明上面的木板不见了。
3、But some crucial evidence is still missing.───但是仍然缺乏一些关键性的证据。
4、The second line of evidence is the “case of the missing daughters”.───第二,“失踪女儿的事实”。
5、If we ask for missing required initial evidence, count the processing time from when we receive that missing evidence.───如果我们问失踪所需的初步证据,罪名处理时间时,从我们所获得的证据失踪。
missing evidence(意思翻译)
missing evidence(相似词语短语)
1、congenitally missing───先天性缺失
2、adduced evidence───引证证据
4、sincere missing───真诚的思念
5、keep missing───一直失踪
6、tray missing───托盘丢失
7、direct evidence───[经] 直接证据
9、text evidence───文本证据
missing evidence(双语使用场景)
1、More people, us included, will make the shift to XMPP, which will provide the missing evidence to create momentum toward a tipping point.───包括我们在内的更多人会转移到XMPP,它会提供丢失掉的信息来对顶端建立要素。
2、There was also evidence for missing upper side planks.───也有证据表明上面的木板不见了。
3、But some crucial evidence is still missing.───但是仍然缺乏一些关键性的证据。
4、The second line of evidence is the “case of the missing daughters”.───第二,“失踪女儿的事实”。
5、If we ask for missing required initial evidence, count the processing time from when we receive that missing evidence.───如果我们问失踪所需的初步证据,罪名处理时间时,从我们所获得的证据失踪。