1、But he isn t throttling back his ambitions: he announced an upgrade of the Bernabeu stadium and the construction of a Disney-style theme park at the club s training grounds in Madrid.───但他并没有遏制他的勃勃雄心:他宣布将改造升级伯纳乌球场和该俱乐部在马德里训练场旁一处迪斯尼风格主题公园的建筑。
2、Whenever I say I don't drink, don't smoke, don't club, don't believe in sex before marriage, because GOD changed me.───每当我说我不喝酒、不抽烟、不上舞厅、不相信婚前性行为、因为上帝改变了我的一切。
3、Book airtime on t. v for your club…so you get attention.───为你的俱乐部在电视上预订时段…所以你会得到关注。
4、Tomohiro Miyake, president of online shop Club T, who was too busy to count sales, but added that the T-shirt was about to become his company's best-selling ever.───忙着计算销售额的Club T网络商店总裁三宅智博说:“新推出的‘我可不像你’文化衫供不应求。” 他说这款T恤有望成为他们店铺开张以来最热销的产品。
t club(意思翻译)
t club(相似词语短语)
1、t t───abbr.电汇 (Telegraphic Transfer);总时间 (Total Time);技术术语 (Technical Term);经结核菌素试验的 (Tuberculin Tested)
3、ak club───ak俱乐部
4、literature club───文学俱乐部
5、truncheon club───JingGun俱乐部
6、rewards club───奖励俱乐部
7、science club───科学俱乐部
8、rotary club───(美)扶轮社(扶轮国际的分支机构);扶轮社(国际扶轮社在各地的地方分社)
9、online club───网上俱乐部
t club(双语使用场景)
1、But he isn t throttling back his ambitions: he announced an upgrade of the Bernabeu stadium and the construction of a Disney-style theme park at the club s training grounds in Madrid.───但他并没有遏制他的勃勃雄心:他宣布将改造升级伯纳乌球场和该俱乐部在马德里训练场旁一处迪斯尼风格主题公园的建筑。
2、Whenever I say I don't drink, don't smoke, don't club, don't believe in sex before marriage, because GOD changed me.───每当我说我不喝酒、不抽烟、不上舞厅、不相信婚前性行为、因为上帝改变了我的一切。
3、Book airtime on t. v for your club…so you get attention.───为你的俱乐部在电视上预订时段…所以你会得到关注。
4、Tomohiro Miyake, president of online shop Club T, who was too busy to count sales, but added that the T-shirt was about to become his company's best-selling ever.───忙着计算销售额的Club T网络商店总裁三宅智博说:“新推出的‘我可不像你’文化衫供不应求。” 他说这款T恤有望成为他们店铺开张以来最热销的产品。