1、This article explains considerations for effectively breaking down user loads easily without affecting the test scripts previously recorded.───本文解释了在不影响您先前所记录的测试脚本的情况下,有效地降低用户负载所需要考虑的事项。
2、Parts 2 and 3 of this series will discuss considerations for effectively breaking down user loads easily without affecting the test scripts previously recorded.───本系列文章的第2部分和第3部分将讨论在不影响您先前所录制的测试脚本的情况下,有效地降低用户负载所需要考虑的事项。
3、Agile teams increase their effectiveness and efficiency by breaking down silos, not by creating test automation superheroes.───敏捷团队通过破除单干的局面来提升工作效率,这凭一些所谓的自动化测试“超级英雄”无法完成。
breaking down test(意思翻译)
breaking down test(相似词语短语)
2、breaking benjamin───疯狂班哲明乐团
3、breaking off───暂停(breakoff的现在分词);突然停止;折断
4、breaking into───破门而入(break into的现在分词);破门而入(breakinto的现在分词)
5、breaking up───破裂,分手;解体
6、breaking through───[体]突破
7、risked breaking───有破裂的危险
8、breaking even───无亏损的经营
9、breaking thequiet───打破沉默
breaking down test(双语使用场景)
1、This article explains considerations for effectively breaking down user loads easily without affecting the test scripts previously recorded.───本文解释了在不影响您先前所记录的测试脚本的情况下,有效地降低用户负载所需要考虑的事项。
2、Parts 2 and 3 of this series will discuss considerations for effectively breaking down user loads easily without affecting the test scripts previously recorded.───本系列文章的第2部分和第3部分将讨论在不影响您先前所录制的测试脚本的情况下,有效地降低用户负载所需要考虑的事项。
3、Agile teams increase their effectiveness and efficiency by breaking down silos, not by creating test automation superheroes.───敏捷团队通过破除单干的局面来提升工作效率,这凭一些所谓的自动化测试“超级英雄”无法完成。