1、man couldn't stand his curiosity. He approached the man walking with the dog, I am so sorry to disturb you, But I've never seen a funeral like this with so many of you walking in single line.───男士急切地想知道真相,于是他走近带狗的男人跟前说:“很抱歉打搅你,因为我从没见过像你们那样有那么多人送葬可送葬的队伍却排成单行。”
i am a single dog(意思翻译)
i am a single dog(相似词语短语)
1、single dog───单身狗(非正式)
2、i am single───我是单身
3、i am your dog───我是你的狗
4、I am a───我是一个
5、i am the dog───我就是那条狗
6、i am a dog───我是一只狗
7、Am I───abbr.高级材料情报 (Advanced Material Information);美国食用肉类研究所 (American Meat Institute);航空英里指示器 (Air Mileage Indicator)
8、am single───我单身
9、l am single───我是单身
i am a single dog(双语使用场景)
1、man couldn't stand his curiosity. He approached the man walking with the dog, I am so sorry to disturb you, But I've never seen a funeral like this with so many of you walking in single line.───男士急切地想知道真相,于是他走近带狗的男人跟前说:“很抱歉打搅你,因为我从没见过像你们那样有那么多人送葬可送葬的队伍却排成单行。”