1、shortage of funds for production and flexible use of foreign exchange, the thesis presents two relatively new ideas, opening accounts of off-shore companies and secured loans.───生产ZiJinDuanQue和灵活使用外汇方面,论文提出两个比较新颖观点,开设离岸公司账户和申请担保贷款。
2、Objective To explore the association between occupational stress and other socio psychological factors and work related unintentional injury in off shore oil production.───目的探讨近海石油生产中职业压力等社会心理因素与职业性意外伤害的关系。
offshore production(意思翻译)
offshore production(相似词语短语)
1、north shore───北海岸;[电影]挑战巨浪
3、shore A───硬度高(表示材料硬度的一种标准)
4、flaggy shore───浅滩
5、shore magic───海岸魔法
7、southernmost shore───最南岸
8、even shore───平坦的海岸
offshore production(双语使用场景)
1、shortage of funds for production and flexible use of foreign exchange, the thesis presents two relatively new ideas, opening accounts of off-shore companies and secured loans.───生产ZiJinDuanQue和灵活使用外汇方面,论文提出两个比较新颖观点,开设离岸公司账户和申请担保贷款。
2、Objective To explore the association between occupational stress and other socio psychological factors and work related unintentional injury in off shore oil production.───目的探讨近海石油生产中职业压力等社会心理因素与职业性意外伤害的关系。