1、continuation operator derived from Wiener filter and Green's equivalent layer principles is used to separate the anomaly caused by the shall.───从维纳滤波原理出发 ,应用多层格林等效层模型精确模拟实测重磁场的径向对数功率谱 ,实现了重磁场在频率域的优选延拓。
2、Analysis the properties of forbidden bands in one-dimensional photonic crystal with equivalent-layer theory───用等效膜理论分析一维光子晶体的禁带特征
3、Some measures, such as reasonable geological model, equivalent layer and equalization of Jacobi matrix elements, are taken to achieve less parameters, stable inversion j process and definite solution.───了一些措施,如选用合理的地质模型及等效层的方法和平衡雅可比矩阵元素的方法等,力求减少反演的参数,稳定了求解过程和提高了求解的精度。
4、Design of Non-Polarizing Broadband Antireflection Coating Using Equivalent Layer───利用等效层的消偏振宽带减反膜设计
5、Leatherbacks do not have blubber, but they do have a reptilian equivalent: thick, oil-saturated skin, with a layer of fibrous, fatty tissue just beneath it.───棱皮龟没有鲸脂,但它们有和爬行类动物相似的结构:厚且含油的皮肤,下面有一层纤维,再下面是脂肪组织。
equivalent layer(英语使用场景)
1、A preferential continuation operator derived from Wiener filter and Green's equivalent layer principles is used to separate the anomaly caused by the shall.
equivalent layer(意思翻译)
equivalent layer(相似词语短语)
1、algebraically equivalent───代数等价
2、equivalent of───同等物
4、equivalent weight───[化学]当量
5、dense layer───[医]致密层
6、equivalent fractions───等值分数
7、equivalent effect───同等效果;[医]同等作用
8、outer layer───外层(细胞次生壁外面的一层)
equivalent layer(双语使用场景)
1、continuation operator derived from Wiener filter and Green's equivalent layer principles is used to separate the anomaly caused by the shall.───从维纳滤波原理出发 ,应用多层格林等效层模型精确模拟实测重磁场的径向对数功率谱 ,实现了重磁场在频率域的优选延拓。
2、Analysis the properties of forbidden bands in one-dimensional photonic crystal with equivalent-layer theory───用等效膜理论分析一维光子晶体的禁带特征
3、Some measures, such as reasonable geological model, equivalent layer and equalization of Jacobi matrix elements, are taken to achieve less parameters, stable inversion j process and definite solution.───了一些措施,如选用合理的地质模型及等效层的方法和平衡雅可比矩阵元素的方法等,力求减少反演的参数,稳定了求解过程和提高了求解的精度。
4、Design of Non-Polarizing Broadband Antireflection Coating Using Equivalent Layer───利用等效层的消偏振宽带减反膜设计
5、Leatherbacks do not have blubber, but they do have a reptilian equivalent: thick, oil-saturated skin, with a layer of fibrous, fatty tissue just beneath it.───棱皮龟没有鲸脂,但它们有和爬行类动物相似的结构:厚且含油的皮肤,下面有一层纤维,再下面是脂肪组织。
equivalent layer(英语使用场景)
1、A preferential continuation operator derived from Wiener filter and Green's equivalent layer principles is used to separate the anomaly caused by the shall.