1、this definition excludes relationships between non-living entities as a possible object of study for ecology.───在生态学中,这个定义不包括非生物之间的关系。
2、Money is just a commodity, and it is quite ridiculous to put the blame on a non-living object when things go wrong.───金钱只是一种商品,而当事情一旦出错,就把责任归咎于一个没有生命的物体上,这是如此的荒谬不合逻辑!
3、Demography also includes the study of non-living objects like light bulbs and taxi cabs and buildings because these are also populations.───人口统计学还包括对非生物物体的研究,如灯泡、出租车和建筑物,因为这些也属于种群。
4、Thirdly, it is said that non-living DNA was inserted into a dead bacteria cell.───最后,此次试验据说是把人工合成基因组放入一个被掏空了遗传物质的细胞。
5、Not only multiple interpretations then from each human being but also from all other living and ultimately as we will see, non living beings.───不只是多种的理解,从其他的人类那,还有从所有其他的生物,最后,我们会看到,非生物。
6、The natural resources of the exclusive economic zone referred to in this Law include both living resources and non-living resources.───本法所称专属经济区的自然资源,包括生物资源和非生物资源。
7、Hair can be no more healthy than a shoe lace, a cotton blouse, or any other non-living fiber.───其实,头发如同鞋带、棉衬衫,或者是任何无机纤维一般,没有健康一说。
8、I developed a simple technique of seeing auras and I was able to see the auras of non-living objects straight away. After a couple of days I started seeing my own aura.───之后,我领悟了一个简单的预知技巧,并能够直接看到非生命物体的先兆,几天以后,我开始能够看见我自己的一些先兆。
9、For the real income of rural household was lower, these high-level and non-living consumption demand cannot be realized.───由于目前农民实际收入水平较低,这些高层次的、非生存性消费需求无法得到实现。
non living(意思翻译)
non living(相似词语短语)
1、non filtrato───未过滤
2、living box───生活箱
3、non───adv.非,不;n. (Non)(美、泰)嫩(人名)
4、non adherent───非粘连的
6、living costs───生活费; 生活成本;生活费;生活成本
7、non statement───非声明
9、non sequitur───不合理的推论或结论;n.<拉>不合逻辑的推论
non living(双语使用场景)
1、this definition excludes relationships between non-living entities as a possible object of study for ecology.───在生态学中,这个定义不包括非生物之间的关系。
2、Money is just a commodity, and it is quite ridiculous to put the blame on a non-living object when things go wrong.───金钱只是一种商品,而当事情一旦出错,就把责任归咎于一个没有生命的物体上,这是如此的荒谬不合逻辑!
3、Demography also includes the study of non-living objects like light bulbs and taxi cabs and buildings because these are also populations.───人口统计学还包括对非生物物体的研究,如灯泡、出租车和建筑物,因为这些也属于种群。
4、Thirdly, it is said that non-living DNA was inserted into a dead bacteria cell.───最后,此次试验据说是把人工合成基因组放入一个被掏空了遗传物质的细胞。
5、Not only multiple interpretations then from each human being but also from all other living and ultimately as we will see, non living beings.───不只是多种的理解,从其他的人类那,还有从所有其他的生物,最后,我们会看到,非生物。
6、The natural resources of the exclusive economic zone referred to in this Law include both living resources and non-living resources.───本法所称专属经济区的自然资源,包括生物资源和非生物资源。
7、Hair can be no more healthy than a shoe lace, a cotton blouse, or any other non-living fiber.───其实,头发如同鞋带、棉衬衫,或者是任何无机纤维一般,没有健康一说。
8、I developed a simple technique of seeing auras and I was able to see the auras of non-living objects straight away. After a couple of days I started seeing my own aura.───之后,我领悟了一个简单的预知技巧,并能够直接看到非生命物体的先兆,几天以后,我开始能够看见我自己的一些先兆。
9、For the real income of rural household was lower, these high-level and non-living consumption demand cannot be realized.───由于目前农民实际收入水平较低,这些高层次的、非生存性消费需求无法得到实现。