2、It was nice to meet you Tom, I hope you spend more time with your family, and I hope to meet you again.───非常高兴能认识你,汤姆。我希望你能多花点时间陪陪你的家人,而且,我希望某天能再与你交流。
3、W: This isn't like you... Well, I hope you will have a nice flight and a successful start in business.───W:这不像你啊。好了,希望你旅途愉快,事业上东山再起。
nice hope(意思翻译)
nice hope(相似词语短语)
1、bear hope───抱着希望
3、nice nice───不错不错
4、hope not───希望不
5、Living hope───活的希望
6、resuscitation hope───复苏希望
7、earnestly hope───真诚地希望;热望;蕲求;祈求;热切地希望
8、hope against hope───抱一线希望
9、hope hurts───希望伤人
nice hope(双语使用场景)
1、I hope the weather is nice.───我希望天气是好的。
2、It was nice to meet you Tom, I hope you spend more time with your family, and I hope to meet you again.───非常高兴能认识你,汤姆。我希望你能多花点时间陪陪你的家人,而且,我希望某天能再与你交流。
3、W: This isn't like you... Well, I hope you will have a nice flight and a successful start in business.───W:这不像你啊。好了,希望你旅途愉快,事业上东山再起。