1、Of that day, doomed to be her terminus in time through all the ages, she did not know the place in month, week, season, or year.───但是在岁月的长河中要注定成为她的人生终点的那一天,她却不知道它究竟在哪一个月,在哪一个星期,在哪一个季节,在哪一年。
2、The former terminus is now just a stop on a large circular route that cuts underground through the center of Sweden's third-largest city.───原先的终点站现在只是这个大型环线铁路的一个站点而已,通过地铁与瑞典第三大城市连接。
3、Recent results show that if the same sequences are processed from the C- to the N-terminus, a different alignment is often obtained.───最近的结果表明,如果同样的顺序进行处理从C到N端,不同的调整往往是获得。
4、was a terminus for the gold caravans crossing the Sahara, he said.───对于穿越撒哈拉沙漠的黄金商队来说,这里是终点站”,他表示。
5、"I think the West Coast in general would be a very difficult place to come in and put in a massive coal-export terminus, " Dr. Fridley said.───“我认为,总得来看,西海岸对于大批量的煤炭出口是不适合的。”弗莱德博士说。
6、In his deepest depression he felt he'd arrived at a terminus.───在他最抑郁的时候,他感觉自己已经走到头了。
7、The station I was bound for was the terminus of the line.───我要到达的车站是这条线的终点。
8、The train has arrived the terminus, please remember to bring all of your belongings with you and keep the train clean. Thank you!───列车已到达终点站,请带走你嘅随身物品,并保持车厢清洁,多谢合作!(九铁格式女声)
9、The lower terminus is only a five-minute walk from the Bank of China Building.───缆车终点离中国银行大楼只有五分钟路程。
1、importation of terminology───术语输入
2、intermediate product───[工经]中间产品;半成品;中间乘积;中间体; 中间产物; 半制品; 半成品
3、brigade quartermaster───旅军需官
4、termination letter template───终止函模板
5、determination to do sth───决心做某事
6、predetermination film───预测定膜
7、glossary of terms───术语表
8、determinist hegelian───决定论黑格尔
9、processes computer term───过程计算机术语
10、capitalised terms───资本化条款
1、Of that day, doomed to be her terminus in time through all the ages, she did not know the place in month, week, season, or year.───但是在岁月的长河中要注定成为她的人生终点的那一天,她却不知道它究竟在哪一个月,在哪一个星期,在哪一个季节,在哪一年。
2、The former terminus is now just a stop on a large circular route that cuts underground through the center of Sweden's third-largest city.───原先的终点站现在只是这个大型环线铁路的一个站点而已,通过地铁与瑞典第三大城市连接。
3、Recent results show that if the same sequences are processed from the C- to the N-terminus, a different alignment is often obtained.───最近的结果表明,如果同样的顺序进行处理从C到N端,不同的调整往往是获得。
4、was a terminus for the gold caravans crossing the Sahara, he said.───对于穿越撒哈拉沙漠的黄金商队来说,这里是终点站”,他表示。
5、"I think the West Coast in general would be a very difficult place to come in and put in a massive coal-export terminus, " Dr. Fridley said.───“我认为,总得来看,西海岸对于大批量的煤炭出口是不适合的。”弗莱德博士说。
6、In his deepest depression he felt he'd arrived at a terminus.───在他最抑郁的时候,他感觉自己已经走到头了。
7、The station I was bound for was the terminus of the line.───我要到达的车站是这条线的终点。
8、The train has arrived the terminus, please remember to bring all of your belongings with you and keep the train clean. Thank you!───列车已到达终点站,请带走你嘅随身物品,并保持车厢清洁,多谢合作!(九铁格式女声)
9、The lower terminus is only a five-minute walk from the Bank of China Building.───缆车终点离中国银行大楼只有五分钟路程。
1、We arrived at the terminus.