1、Plain and simple, the FDA needs new blood. The agency needs to inject a dose of fresh scientific talent and critical thinking into the drug assessment and approval process.───简单明了的说,FDA需要补充新鲜的血液,该机构需要注入一批新鲜的科学人才和关键的技术力量到药物的评估审批程序当中。
2、While it might not be possible to help with the talent by following these simple steps the practice part can be taken care of.───也许按照以下简单的步骤不太可能帮到天分,但可以照顾到训练这部分。
3、But the talent crisis persisted for a simple reason: the problem isn't cultural.───但是人材危机的持续其原因并不简单:文化不成问题。
simple talent(意思翻译)
simple talent(相似词语短语)
2、secret talent───秘密人才
3、indraught talent───引进人才
4、inner talent───内在才能
5、got talent───英国达人,达人秀
6、talent for───天才;有…的天赋
7、truly talent───真正的天才
8、talent acquisition───人才并购
simple talent(双语使用场景)
1、Plain and simple, the FDA needs new blood. The agency needs to inject a dose of fresh scientific talent and critical thinking into the drug assessment and approval process.───简单明了的说,FDA需要补充新鲜的血液,该机构需要注入一批新鲜的科学人才和关键的技术力量到药物的评估审批程序当中。
2、While it might not be possible to help with the talent by following these simple steps the practice part can be taken care of.───也许按照以下简单的步骤不太可能帮到天分,但可以照顾到训练这部分。
3、But the talent crisis persisted for a simple reason: the problem isn't cultural.───但是人材危机的持续其原因并不简单:文化不成问题。