1、Al-Mabhouh, a founding member of Hamas' military wing, was found dead January 20 in his Dubai hotel room.───Mabhouh是哈马斯军事力量的创建者。他于1月20日被发现死在迪拜的酒店房间里。
2、When I was young, I found a pigeon with a broken wing, nearly dead, lying on the side of the road.───小时候,我发现了一只鸽子,它的翅膀受伤了,好像快要死了,在路边躺着。
dead wing(意思翻译)
dead wing(相似词语短语)
1、backplate wing───后板翼
2、wing collar───硬翻领,上浆翻领; 翼领;硬翻领,上浆翻领;燕子领
3、west wing───白宫群英(影集名); 白宫西厢;白宫群英(影集名);白宫西厢
4、apterous wing───无翅
7、wing recipes───翅膀食谱
8、wing chan───陈咏
9、wing it───v.即兴表演
dead wing(双语使用场景)
1、Al-Mabhouh, a founding member of Hamas' military wing, was found dead January 20 in his Dubai hotel room.───Mabhouh是哈马斯军事力量的创建者。他于1月20日被发现死在迪拜的酒店房间里。
2、When I was young, I found a pigeon with a broken wing, nearly dead, lying on the side of the road.───小时候,我发现了一只鸽子,它的翅膀受伤了,好像快要死了,在路边躺着。