1、heat transfer performance test of ground heat exchanger was presented and compared with thermal response test.───阐述了地源热泵地埋管传热性能的测试原理,并与热响应测试原理相对比。
2、Thermal response variation rules of LPG storage tank exposed to fire are expounded.───液化石油气储罐在火灾作用下的热响应变化规律。
3、The characteristic temperature of powder in thermal response was researched by differential temperature analysis (DTA).───差热分析 (D T A)研究粉末在热反应时的特征温度;
4、As can be seen, the thermal response of the three elements differ in amplitude and phase.───可以看出,这三个要素在热响应振幅和相位方面是不同的。
5、Numerical simulation of thermal response for multi-layer structure was presented.───给出了这种多层结构热响应特性的数值模拟方法。
6、The thermal response test is one key part of ground-source heat pump project.───现场热响应测试是实施地源热泵工程的关键环节。
7、By numerical simulation, transient thermal response of the spherical aerostat in rising process was presented.───通过建立平流层浮空器的热模型,对球形浮空器升空过程中的瞬态热响应进行了数值模拟。
8、Objective To interpret the effect of the local cooling on thermal response of human brain by way of the concept of system biology.───目的引入XiTong生物传热学的概念解释局部冷刺激对脑部热响应的影响规律。
9、relationship was found between the power spectral density and thermal response index (TRI).───功率谱密度值与时域指标体温反应指数(TRI)有极好的相关性。
thermal response(英语使用场景)
1、Step change in temperature occurs when changes in the thermocouple output to the equivalent of 50% of the step change in the time required is called thermal response time, with T0.5 said.
2、After sputtering with N-Cr, a microstructure of temperature-sensitive sensor was formed, and its character of R-T and thermal response time constant were measured.
3、Using this approach through calculation of the state transition matrix of a system, the thermal response factors can be directly obtained without need to find the roots.
4、Taking the double-U type ground heat exchanger (GHE) as example, performs in-situ thermal response tests in three different seasons, and the results show that there does exist the seasonal effect.
thermal response(意思翻译)
thermal response(相似词语短语)
1、frisks response───新鲜反应
2、thermal paste───热胶
3、equivocating response───模棱两可的回答
4、response variable───反应变量
5、thermal energy───[能源]热能;温热热能法,热能专业
6、in response───作为答复;作为回答
7、no response───不响应;无响应;没有响应
8、crabbed response───急躁的反应
thermal response(双语使用场景)
1、heat transfer performance test of ground heat exchanger was presented and compared with thermal response test.───阐述了地源热泵地埋管传热性能的测试原理,并与热响应测试原理相对比。
2、Thermal response variation rules of LPG storage tank exposed to fire are expounded.───液化石油气储罐在火灾作用下的热响应变化规律。
3、The characteristic temperature of powder in thermal response was researched by differential temperature analysis (DTA).───差热分析 (D T A)研究粉末在热反应时的特征温度;
4、As can be seen, the thermal response of the three elements differ in amplitude and phase.───可以看出,这三个要素在热响应振幅和相位方面是不同的。
5、Numerical simulation of thermal response for multi-layer structure was presented.───给出了这种多层结构热响应特性的数值模拟方法。
6、The thermal response test is one key part of ground-source heat pump project.───现场热响应测试是实施地源热泵工程的关键环节。
7、By numerical simulation, transient thermal response of the spherical aerostat in rising process was presented.───通过建立平流层浮空器的热模型,对球形浮空器升空过程中的瞬态热响应进行了数值模拟。
8、Objective To interpret the effect of the local cooling on thermal response of human brain by way of the concept of system biology.───目的引入XiTong生物传热学的概念解释局部冷刺激对脑部热响应的影响规律。
9、relationship was found between the power spectral density and thermal response index (TRI).───功率谱密度值与时域指标体温反应指数(TRI)有极好的相关性。
thermal response(英语使用场景)
1、Step change in temperature occurs when changes in the thermocouple output to the equivalent of 50% of the step change in the time required is called thermal response time, with T0.5 said.
2、After sputtering with N-Cr, a microstructure of temperature-sensitive sensor was formed, and its character of R-T and thermal response time constant were measured.
3、Using this approach through calculation of the state transition matrix of a system, the thermal response factors can be directly obtained without need to find the roots.
4、Taking the double-U type ground heat exchanger (GHE) as example, performs in-situ thermal response tests in three different seasons, and the results show that there does exist the seasonal effect.