1、Between Ze Mole, and Cartman "saying the F word about Jesus" and the repeated use of 'G*d Dammit', etc.───比如:在Zemole和Cartman他们经常说些“CaoYeSu”或者不断重复“Cao上帝”这样的词。等等。。
2、It was the first show to use the F-word and show nudity on stage.───这是第一个使用脏字并且LuoTi上台的演出。
3、At the time the F word was nowhere near being documented as an English swear-word.───当时,F打头的那个词还远没成为英语中骂人的词。
4、A couple of weeks ago I used the F word in a podcast. I bleeped it out in the email and web versions but not in the audio version.───几周之前,我在栏目里用了F打头的四字经,在邮件发送和网络版本里我屏蔽了这个词,但音频版却没有经过处理。
5、Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F" , Fuck is the only word that is refer to as the F-Word.───在所有以F开头的英文单词中,Fuck是唯一会被称为“那个以F开头的单词”。
6、He was shocked at how often she used the F-word.───她常常使用粗俗的骂人话,这使他感到震惊。
7、This time, Melissa Leo's use of the F-word during her acceptance speech was the first in Oscar history.───这次,梅丽莎•莱昂在发表获奖感言时爆出粗口实属奥斯卡历史上的第一次。
8、So I'll grant readers that, if there's anything amiss with my argument, it's that I've dragged the "f" word into the discussion.───如果我的辩论有什么毛病的话,那么我承认我把F开头的字拖进了讨论。
9、New York Mets baseball star Lenny Dykstra, in a book snatched up by many a young fan, uses the F word the way others use punctuation.───纽约梅茨垒球名星莱尼·戴克斯屈拉在一本许多球迷争相购阅的书中,用脏字眼就象用标点符号一样。
the fword(英语使用场景)
1、He was shocked at how often she used the F-word.
2、Entertainment Research reports that there are 245 mentions of the f-word in this movie.
3、It was the first show to use the F-word and show nudity on stage.
4、Mommy, Billy said the f-word.
5、You're still not allowed to say the f-word on TV in the US.
6、He apologised for his discourtesy but denied using the F-word or calling the policemen plebs.
7、Mrs Whitehouse reports that the use of the F-word on television has increased sixfold in 1991.
the fword(意思翻译)
the fword(相似词语短语)
1、top the word───世界之巅
2、f the mall───购物中心
3、the word is───这个词是
4、welcomanmb f f───欢迎光临
5、the c word───c字
6、o F F───F的
7、f f───abbr.固定的费用(fixedfee);灭火,消防(firefighting);法拉第未来(FaradayFuture)
8、the word plum───李子这个词
9、heal the word───拯救人类
the fword(双语使用场景)
1、Between Ze Mole, and Cartman "saying the F word about Jesus" and the repeated use of 'G*d Dammit', etc.───比如:在Zemole和Cartman他们经常说些“CaoYeSu”或者不断重复“Cao上帝”这样的词。等等。。
2、It was the first show to use the F-word and show nudity on stage.───这是第一个使用脏字并且LuoTi上台的演出。
3、At the time the F word was nowhere near being documented as an English swear-word.───当时,F打头的那个词还远没成为英语中骂人的词。
4、A couple of weeks ago I used the F word in a podcast. I bleeped it out in the email and web versions but not in the audio version.───几周之前,我在栏目里用了F打头的四字经,在邮件发送和网络版本里我屏蔽了这个词,但音频版却没有经过处理。
5、Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F" , Fuck is the only word that is refer to as the F-Word.───在所有以F开头的英文单词中,Fuck是唯一会被称为“那个以F开头的单词”。
6、He was shocked at how often she used the F-word.───她常常使用粗俗的骂人话,这使他感到震惊。
7、This time, Melissa Leo's use of the F-word during her acceptance speech was the first in Oscar history.───这次,梅丽莎•莱昂在发表获奖感言时爆出粗口实属奥斯卡历史上的第一次。
8、So I'll grant readers that, if there's anything amiss with my argument, it's that I've dragged the "f" word into the discussion.───如果我的辩论有什么毛病的话,那么我承认我把F开头的字拖进了讨论。
9、New York Mets baseball star Lenny Dykstra, in a book snatched up by many a young fan, uses the F word the way others use punctuation.───纽约梅茨垒球名星莱尼·戴克斯屈拉在一本许多球迷争相购阅的书中,用脏字眼就象用标点符号一样。
the fword(英语使用场景)
1、He was shocked at how often she used the F-word.
2、Entertainment Research reports that there are 245 mentions of the f-word in this movie.
3、It was the first show to use the F-word and show nudity on stage.
4、Mommy, Billy said the f-word.
5、You're still not allowed to say the f-word on TV in the US.
6、He apologised for his discourtesy but denied using the F-word or calling the policemen plebs.
7、Mrs Whitehouse reports that the use of the F-word on television has increased sixfold in 1991.