1、The existing surveyor's pole is usually a bamboo or an iron rod.───现行的标杆通常为竹竿或铁棍。
2、"Grinding an iron rod, " said the old women without stopping grinding.───老妇人边磨边说:“在磨铁棒。”
3、Cars honked behind him. The mahout turned and gesticulated at him with his iron rod. A passerby yelled at him not to block traffic.───身后响起了汽车喇叭声,看象人也用小铁棒向他比划着,一个过路人更对他吼着让他不要妨碍交通。
4、bent in an arc.───铁棍弯成了个弓形。
5、This includes the extra long graphite filled cast iron rod bushing and a standard oversize wear band (located on the rear of the piston).───这包括超长石墨填充铸铁连杆衬套和一个标准的特大型穿带(位于活塞后)。
6、Due to an explosion, an iron rod passed through his head.───因为一次爆炸,一个铁棒穿过了他的头。
7、And due to an explosion, an iron rod passed through his head like so.───因为一次爆炸,一个铁棒像这样穿过了他的头。
8、One day he saw an old woman grinding an iron rod on a big stone when he was playing by a river.───一天,他在河边玩耍的时候,看见一位老妇人拿着一根铁棒在大石头上磨。
9、Nothing is too hot for you to handle, but why do you insist on holding on to the burning iron rod if you don't have to, M?───并没有什么事烫到掌握不住,但你为什么握着烧红的铁棒不放,M,在你并非只能这样做的时候?
iron rod(英语使用场景)
1、The powder in place, he rammed a long iron rod to tamp down the charge.
2、The power in place , he rammed in a long iron rod to tamp down in charge.
3、It led to the birth of the jumper a slender iron rod with a chisel-end forged by the mine smiths.
4、The prophet Lehi compared the word of God an iron rod.
5、The Surefooted enchantment now requires Fel Iron Rod ( was Runed Eternium Rod ).
6、The iron rod supports the valance is bent in an arc.
7、He heated the iron rod and bent it into a right angle.
iron rod(意思翻译)
iron rod(相似词语短语)
1、bailer rod───蓝球
2、semicircular rod───半圆杆
3、ejector rod───顶出杆;推顶柱;抛壳钩杆; 顶坯杆; 出坯杆; 顶出杆
5、rod tip───棒尖
7、stirrer rod───[医]搅拌棒
8、connecting rod───n.<机>连杆
9、shafting rod───轴系杆
iron rod(双语使用场景)
1、The existing surveyor's pole is usually a bamboo or an iron rod.───现行的标杆通常为竹竿或铁棍。
2、"Grinding an iron rod, " said the old women without stopping grinding.───老妇人边磨边说:“在磨铁棒。”
3、Cars honked behind him. The mahout turned and gesticulated at him with his iron rod. A passerby yelled at him not to block traffic.───身后响起了汽车喇叭声,看象人也用小铁棒向他比划着,一个过路人更对他吼着让他不要妨碍交通。
4、bent in an arc.───铁棍弯成了个弓形。
5、This includes the extra long graphite filled cast iron rod bushing and a standard oversize wear band (located on the rear of the piston).───这包括超长石墨填充铸铁连杆衬套和一个标准的特大型穿带(位于活塞后)。
6、Due to an explosion, an iron rod passed through his head.───因为一次爆炸,一个铁棒穿过了他的头。
7、And due to an explosion, an iron rod passed through his head like so.───因为一次爆炸,一个铁棒像这样穿过了他的头。
8、One day he saw an old woman grinding an iron rod on a big stone when he was playing by a river.───一天,他在河边玩耍的时候,看见一位老妇人拿着一根铁棒在大石头上磨。
9、Nothing is too hot for you to handle, but why do you insist on holding on to the burning iron rod if you don't have to, M?───并没有什么事烫到掌握不住,但你为什么握着烧红的铁棒不放,M,在你并非只能这样做的时候?
iron rod(英语使用场景)
1、The powder in place, he rammed a long iron rod to tamp down the charge.
2、The power in place , he rammed in a long iron rod to tamp down in charge.
3、It led to the birth of the jumper a slender iron rod with a chisel-end forged by the mine smiths.
4、The prophet Lehi compared the word of God an iron rod.
5、The Surefooted enchantment now requires Fel Iron Rod ( was Runed Eternium Rod ).
6、The iron rod supports the valance is bent in an arc.
7、He heated the iron rod and bent it into a right angle.
8、The worker bent an iron rod into a hoop.