1、With a measure of good sense, a spat between the U. S. and China involving tires and chickens won't devolve into a trade war as well.───从好的方面来看,中国和美国之间关于轮胎和鸡肉的纷争将不会演变成一场贸易战。
2、Several chickens clucked in the garden.───几只鸡在花园里发出咯咯声。
3、The investigation found a history of exposure to dead chickens in his home within the week prior to symptom onset.───调查发现他在症状出现前一周内有与家中的死鸡接触史。
4、They keep chickens in the back yard.───他们在后院养鸡。
5、she had some fresh eggs, thanks to her chickens, and he always used to say that she made omelets better than anyone else.───多亏了她那几只鸡,还有一些新鲜的鸡蛋。他过去总是说她做的煎蛋饼比谁做得都好。
6、The girl went into the chicken house, again, the next day. There was a racket again, as the chickens were frightened.───第二天小女孩又钻进了鸡窝里,鸡群受到惊吓,又是一片混乱。
7、Chickens pecked in the dust.───小鸡们在尘土中啄食。
8、It had never occurred to me that I could blow the interview because I didn't know enough about chickens.───我从来都没有想到,自己会因为不了解鸡的问题而把面试搞砸。
9、B: hard to say, his childhood with love and small animals, often raise a number of chickens, ducks, pigs, character should be very mild.───乙:很难说,他小时候喜欢和小动物在一起,经常养一些鸡,鸭,猪等,性格应该很温和。
1、When will the baby chickens hatch out?
2、Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
3、Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
4、The chickens have hatched out.
5、In battery farms, chickens are kept in tiny cages.
6、Battery chickens have miserable lives.
7、Count not your chickens before they are hatched.
1、With a measure of good sense, a spat between the U. S. and China involving tires and chickens won't devolve into a trade war as well.───从好的方面来看,中国和美国之间关于轮胎和鸡肉的纷争将不会演变成一场贸易战。
2、Several chickens clucked in the garden.───几只鸡在花园里发出咯咯声。
3、The investigation found a history of exposure to dead chickens in his home within the week prior to symptom onset.───调查发现他在症状出现前一周内有与家中的死鸡接触史。
4、They keep chickens in the back yard.───他们在后院养鸡。
5、she had some fresh eggs, thanks to her chickens, and he always used to say that she made omelets better than anyone else.───多亏了她那几只鸡,还有一些新鲜的鸡蛋。他过去总是说她做的煎蛋饼比谁做得都好。
6、The girl went into the chicken house, again, the next day. There was a racket again, as the chickens were frightened.───第二天小女孩又钻进了鸡窝里,鸡群受到惊吓,又是一片混乱。
7、Chickens pecked in the dust.───小鸡们在尘土中啄食。
8、It had never occurred to me that I could blow the interview because I didn't know enough about chickens.───我从来都没有想到,自己会因为不了解鸡的问题而把面试搞砸。
9、B: hard to say, his childhood with love and small animals, often raise a number of chickens, ducks, pigs, character should be very mild.───乙:很难说,他小时候喜欢和小动物在一起,经常养一些鸡,鸭,猪等,性格应该很温和。
1、When will the baby chickens hatch out?
2、Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
3、Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
4、The chickens have hatched out.
5、In battery farms, chickens are kept in tiny cages.
6、Battery chickens have miserable lives.
7、Count not your chickens before they are hatched.
8、He is feeding up the chickens for Christmas.
9、They keep chickens in the back yard.