1、Bob returned to his police car without a word.───鲍勃转身回到了JingChe里,没有留下一句话。
2、Another example is the word siren, familiar to us as the mechanical device that makes such an alarming sound when police cars, ambulances, or fire engines approach.───另一个例子是“警报器”这个词,是我们很熟悉的一个机械装置,当JingChe、救护车或消防车靠近时,警报器会发出警报。
3、Former prosecutors also urge judges to be more sceptical about the word of prosecutors and the police.───前任检察官也劝说法官要对检察官和JingCha的话持更加怀疑的态度。
police word(意思翻译)
police word(相似词语短语)
1、police scanner───警用扫描器
2、police officer───n.警官;警员;n.JingCha
3、police line───警戒线
4、police force───JingCha;JingCha机关;n.JingCha部门; JingCha机关
6、police officunhold───JingCha局
7、police station───n.JingCha局;PaiChuSuo;JingCha局;GongAn局
8、police work───JingCha事务;GongAn工作
9、galls police───盖尔斯JingCha
police word(双语使用场景)
1、Bob returned to his police car without a word.───鲍勃转身回到了JingChe里,没有留下一句话。
2、Another example is the word siren, familiar to us as the mechanical device that makes such an alarming sound when police cars, ambulances, or fire engines approach.───另一个例子是“警报器”这个词,是我们很熟悉的一个机械装置,当JingChe、救护车或消防车靠近时,警报器会发出警报。
3、Former prosecutors also urge judges to be more sceptical about the word of prosecutors and the police.───前任检察官也劝说法官要对检察官和JingCha的话持更加怀疑的态度。