1、Records, mention very little of the Vindicator throughout the time of Great Crusade, it is assumed that the Vindicator fell out of favour.───记录中提到极少数的辩护者完整的撑过了大远征时代,似乎辩护者在逐渐失去战士们对他的喜爱。
2、Once frozen, a quick strike from a Vindicator or Surgical Strike will one shot any frozen Ore Truck as shown in the video below.───一旦冰冻,用维护者快速或是外科手术打击就可以一击干掉任何冰冻的矿车,如视频所示的那样。
3、Vindicator - $1200 - A bomber aircraft somewhat like the Harrier, this can dish out plenty of damage to ground targets.───维护者——1200:类似鹞式的轰炸机,可以对地面目标造成大量伤害。
4、and becoming the vindicator of the interest of rural floating population.───农村流动人口利益的维护者。
5、One upgraded Vindicator will severely damage any of these units and a second will destroy them.───一架升级的维护者可以对上面提到的任何单位造成严重伤害,第二架就可以干掉他们。
6、At this point, build one Vindicator and tech up to tier 2.───之后,造一架维护者战机,再升级到二本。
7、The Vindicator was a response to the high casualty rates suffered during close quarter battles, such as street fighting or in jungles.───辩护者设计针对于那些高伤亡率的近距离作战,例如巷战或者丛林战斗。
8、Is there someone who can be my mediator, my vindicator before God?───有没有人可以在神面前作为我的中保和辩护人?
1、Records, mention very little of the Vindicator throughout the time of Great Crusade, it is assumed that the Vindicator fell out of favour.───记录中提到极少数的辩护者完整的撑过了大远征时代,似乎辩护者在逐渐失去战士们对他的喜爱。
2、Once frozen, a quick strike from a Vindicator or Surgical Strike will one shot any frozen Ore Truck as shown in the video below.───一旦冰冻,用维护者快速或是外科手术打击就可以一击干掉任何冰冻的矿车,如视频所示的那样。
3、Vindicator - $1200 - A bomber aircraft somewhat like the Harrier, this can dish out plenty of damage to ground targets.───维护者——1200:类似鹞式的轰炸机,可以对地面目标造成大量伤害。
4、and becoming the vindicator of the interest of rural floating population.───农村流动人口利益的维护者。
5、One upgraded Vindicator will severely damage any of these units and a second will destroy them.───一架升级的维护者可以对上面提到的任何单位造成严重伤害,第二架就可以干掉他们。
6、At this point, build one Vindicator and tech up to tier 2.───之后,造一架维护者战机,再升级到二本。
7、The Vindicator was a response to the high casualty rates suffered during close quarter battles, such as street fighting or in jungles.───辩护者设计针对于那些高伤亡率的近距离作战,例如巷战或者丛林战斗。
8、Is there someone who can be my mediator, my vindicator before God?───有没有人可以在神面前作为我的中保和辩护人?