1、If you need to find your bearings on a sunny day, you can find north, east, south and west by using the shadow and stick method.───如果你需要在一个阳光明媚的日子里,找到方向,你可以通过阴影和小木棍的方法识别出北,东,南,西。
2、An alternate method for equivalent synthetic input is used for this article: holding down the center control stick of the navigation compass.───本文使用了一种可以代替等价合成输入的方法:按住导航罗盘的中心控制杆。
3、What Wegner and his colleagues have shown is that trying to suppress thoughts is ironically a powerful method of having the thoughts stick around.───纳和他的同事揭示了,具有讽刺意味的是,努力抑制某种想法,是牢牢抓住这种想法的有力方法。
4、Buy New Year paintings how stick method, then each have their own style and be fond of.───如何购买年画棒法,然后各有其自己的风格和喜好。
5、Somehow, I think I'll stick to my old method and let my kids continue to ignore me.───从某种程度上,我想我还是会坚持我的老方法,让孩子忽视我。
6、buzz stick method; buzz stick method───绝缘棒探测法
7、Diplomats use a carrot and stick method when dealing with other nations.───当对付其他国家时,外交人员使用软硬兼施的方法。
8、Methods for thermal shock test of laboratory apparatus glass(stick method)───实验室仪器玻璃热冲击试验方法(棒状法)
stick method(英语使用场景)
1、The old carrot and stick method of keeping control is now all stick.
2、He argues that the carrot and stick method of reward and reappraisal is most effective.
stick method(意思翻译)
stick method(相似词语短语)
1、teaching method───教学方法;教学方式
2、setter method───塞特法
3、stiffness method───[力]刚度法;劲度法
4、stick by stick───一丝不苟
6、stick───vt.刺,戳;伸出;粘贴;n.棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人;n. (Stick)(芬)斯蒂克(人名);vi.坚持;伸出;粘住
7、standard method───标准方法;标准措施;标准措施,标准方法
8、gasometric method───气体容量法,气体定量分析法
9、averaging method───[数]求平均值法;均值法;平均法,均值法
stick method(双语使用场景)
1、If you need to find your bearings on a sunny day, you can find north, east, south and west by using the shadow and stick method.───如果你需要在一个阳光明媚的日子里,找到方向,你可以通过阴影和小木棍的方法识别出北,东,南,西。
2、An alternate method for equivalent synthetic input is used for this article: holding down the center control stick of the navigation compass.───本文使用了一种可以代替等价合成输入的方法:按住导航罗盘的中心控制杆。
3、What Wegner and his colleagues have shown is that trying to suppress thoughts is ironically a powerful method of having the thoughts stick around.───纳和他的同事揭示了,具有讽刺意味的是,努力抑制某种想法,是牢牢抓住这种想法的有力方法。
4、Buy New Year paintings how stick method, then each have their own style and be fond of.───如何购买年画棒法,然后各有其自己的风格和喜好。
5、Somehow, I think I'll stick to my old method and let my kids continue to ignore me.───从某种程度上,我想我还是会坚持我的老方法,让孩子忽视我。
6、buzz stick method; buzz stick method───绝缘棒探测法
7、Diplomats use a carrot and stick method when dealing with other nations.───当对付其他国家时,外交人员使用软硬兼施的方法。
8、Methods for thermal shock test of laboratory apparatus glass(stick method)───实验室仪器玻璃热冲击试验方法(棒状法)
stick method(英语使用场景)
1、The old carrot and stick method of keeping control is now all stick.
2、He argues that the carrot and stick method of reward and reappraisal is most effective.