1、In the medical context that it comes from, it is about testing the limits of thriving in an unfavorable environment.───在这个词来源的医学领域,它是在一种不利的环境中关于鉴定繁荣的程度。
2、New receptacles are now testing the limits of such open-mindedness.───新的包装正在挑战这种开明思想的极限。
3、But in a country that often jails critics, Mr. Wu seems to be testing the limits of what Beijing deems permissible.───在一个经常逮捕批评者的国家,吴敬琏似乎是在探试北京忍耐的限度。
4、To lock yourself in a small steam room, as if testing the limits of the soul a burden of sorrow.───把自己锁在小小的蒸气房里,像是在考验着灵魂承受悲痛的极限。
5、Bigger engines running hotter may deliver greater fuel efficiency, but they are also testing the limits of modern materials.───运行温度更高的较大引擎可能带来更好的燃油利用率,但它们同时也测验着现代材料的极限。
6、Bigger engines running hotter may deliver greater fuel efficiency, but they are also testing the limits of modern materials.───运行温度更高的较大引擎可能带来更好的燃油利用率,但它们同时也考验着现代材料的极限。
7、Also, vague boundaries could be effective if companies governed by them shy away from testing the limits.───如果受监管企业不去测试底线,那么模糊的界定可能是有效的。
testing the limits(英语使用场景)
1、He had almost given up testing the limits.
2、I have always been interested in testing the limits and assumptions of structural rules or engineering codes.
3、Would I be testing the limits of their tolerance for the rest of my feminist work?
testing the limits(意思翻译)
testing the limits(相似词语短语)
2、limits of───……的极限
3、audibility limits───可听度极限
4、time limits───期限;[物]时间限制;n.期限,限期( time limit的名词复数 ); [经] 期限,索赔期限
5、city limits───城市极限; 市区范围;城市极限;市区范围
6、specification limits───技术说明规范;规格界限
8、perceived limits───感知极限
9、within limits───不超出限度;适当地;在一定范围内;有限度地
testing the limits(双语使用场景)
1、In the medical context that it comes from, it is about testing the limits of thriving in an unfavorable environment.───在这个词来源的医学领域,它是在一种不利的环境中关于鉴定繁荣的程度。
2、New receptacles are now testing the limits of such open-mindedness.───新的包装正在挑战这种开明思想的极限。
3、But in a country that often jails critics, Mr. Wu seems to be testing the limits of what Beijing deems permissible.───在一个经常逮捕批评者的国家,吴敬琏似乎是在探试北京忍耐的限度。
4、To lock yourself in a small steam room, as if testing the limits of the soul a burden of sorrow.───把自己锁在小小的蒸气房里,像是在考验着灵魂承受悲痛的极限。
5、Bigger engines running hotter may deliver greater fuel efficiency, but they are also testing the limits of modern materials.───运行温度更高的较大引擎可能带来更好的燃油利用率,但它们同时也测验着现代材料的极限。
6、Bigger engines running hotter may deliver greater fuel efficiency, but they are also testing the limits of modern materials.───运行温度更高的较大引擎可能带来更好的燃油利用率,但它们同时也考验着现代材料的极限。
7、Also, vague boundaries could be effective if companies governed by them shy away from testing the limits.───如果受监管企业不去测试底线,那么模糊的界定可能是有效的。
testing the limits(英语使用场景)
1、He had almost given up testing the limits.
2、I have always been interested in testing the limits and assumptions of structural rules or engineering codes.
3、Would I be testing the limits of their tolerance for the rest of my feminist work?