1、has a significant economic advantage utilizing synthetic engine oil.───使用合成发动机油有明显的经济优势。
2、Why talent capital was not turned into the local economic advantage?───为什么人才资本没有转化为当地的经济优势?。
3、The technical and economic advantage of high-speed rail makes it fit for ad- dressing the needs of the urbanization process.───高速铁路所具有的技术经济优势,非常适合中国城镇化发展需要。
4、If it's using a non-judicious system to gain economic advantage, we need to take that very seriously.───如果中国正使用不明智的体系来获得经济优势,那我们就得重视这个现象了。
5、She made use of her to leave good impression for the other party in the personal interview in the economic advantage.───她利用了她在经济方面的优势在面试中给对方留下了良好的印象。
6、Resource competitiveness refers to the capacity to transform resource advantage into economic advantage.───资源竞争力是指将资源优势转化成经济优势的能力。
7、The founders of the EU believed its purpose was more than economic advantage and that the project demanded a sense of mutual solidarity.───欧盟的创建者们相信,欧盟的意义不只是为了给各成员国带来经济好处,这项事业需要一种团结互助意识。
8、Hainan is the origin country of the rattan, and provides unique natural and economic advantage for planting rattan artificially.───海南是我国棕榈藤的原产地,具有发展棕榈藤人工种植棕榈藤独特的自然优势和经济优势。
9、Any such transfer could attract the attention of the authorities if it involved a quid pro quo or economic advantage.───如果牵涉到补偿物或经济利益,任何此类转让都会引起监管当局的注意。
economic advantage(英语使用场景)
1、His pretensions, it seems, are based on economic advantage.
2、Bureaucratic control does not allow the direct transmission of economic advantage across generations.
3、Chongqing administration must give free rein to self regional advantage and economic advantage and follow correct regional economic development direction to build economic cent...
4、From what I have said, it follows that political union is more likely to be achieved when there is economic advantage.
5、Submarine cables provide an attractive economic advantage for selected routes where the growth in demand for communications capacity is high.
6、I do not believe this is because more children are an economic advantage to settled people.
7、It has been of considerable economic advantage to both countries.
8、Where there is economic advantage in reusing information there will be an easy business case for the preservation of records.
9、Women worked themselves into key jobs that paid best, giving them an economic advantage for the first time in history.
economic advantage(意思翻译)
economic advantage(相似词语短语)
1、perceived advantage───感知优势
3、competitive advantage───竞争优势
4、commercial advantage───商业优势
5、take advantage───利用
6、economic condition───[经]经济条件;经济状况;经济情况,经济条件
7、economic decline───经济衰退
8、advantage to───优势
9、economic crisis───n.经济危机
economic advantage(双语使用场景)
1、has a significant economic advantage utilizing synthetic engine oil.───使用合成发动机油有明显的经济优势。
2、Why talent capital was not turned into the local economic advantage?───为什么人才资本没有转化为当地的经济优势?。
3、The technical and economic advantage of high-speed rail makes it fit for ad- dressing the needs of the urbanization process.───高速铁路所具有的技术经济优势,非常适合中国城镇化发展需要。
4、If it's using a non-judicious system to gain economic advantage, we need to take that very seriously.───如果中国正使用不明智的体系来获得经济优势,那我们就得重视这个现象了。
5、She made use of her to leave good impression for the other party in the personal interview in the economic advantage.───她利用了她在经济方面的优势在面试中给对方留下了良好的印象。
6、Resource competitiveness refers to the capacity to transform resource advantage into economic advantage.───资源竞争力是指将资源优势转化成经济优势的能力。
7、The founders of the EU believed its purpose was more than economic advantage and that the project demanded a sense of mutual solidarity.───欧盟的创建者们相信,欧盟的意义不只是为了给各成员国带来经济好处,这项事业需要一种团结互助意识。
8、Hainan is the origin country of the rattan, and provides unique natural and economic advantage for planting rattan artificially.───海南是我国棕榈藤的原产地,具有发展棕榈藤人工种植棕榈藤独特的自然优势和经济优势。
9、Any such transfer could attract the attention of the authorities if it involved a quid pro quo or economic advantage.───如果牵涉到补偿物或经济利益,任何此类转让都会引起监管当局的注意。
economic advantage(英语使用场景)
1、His pretensions, it seems, are based on economic advantage.
2、Bureaucratic control does not allow the direct transmission of economic advantage across generations.
3、Chongqing administration must give free rein to self regional advantage and economic advantage and follow correct regional economic development direction to build economic cent...
4、From what I have said, it follows that political union is more likely to be achieved when there is economic advantage.
5、Submarine cables provide an attractive economic advantage for selected routes where the growth in demand for communications capacity is high.
6、I do not believe this is because more children are an economic advantage to settled people.
7、It has been of considerable economic advantage to both countries.
8、Where there is economic advantage in reusing information there will be an easy business case for the preservation of records.
9、Women worked themselves into key jobs that paid best, giving them an economic advantage for the first time in history.