1、In the end, you'll learn more and foul up less.───最终,你将会学得更多,搞砸得更少。
2、Toppling the Iraqi regime with only a vague plan as to what to put in its place has been the defining foul-up of the presidency.───仅凭一个含糊的替代计划扳倒YiLaKe政权已成为总统当局错误失策的判定。
3、the balance of the Electrolyte foul-up───电解质的平衡
4、The smoke from the forest fire started to foul up the air.───森林大火的烟雾开始让空气变得污浊。
5、But because of a computer foul up, Greenwich Village police didn't believe Daniel Valencia and nearly wrote him off as another oddball.───可是由于电脑错误,格林威治村警方不相信瓦伦西亚,几乎将他视为又一个ShenJingBing。
6、Any time an Argentine player was knocked down or whistled for a foul, he threw up his arms in dismay.───每次阿根廷球员被击倒或被吹犯规时,他都会沮丧地举起双臂。
7、But even in China many people will have attributed this disaster to an "act of God" rather than a foul-up by the Politburo (see article).───但是在中国许多人却把这次雪灾归为“天灾”而不是归罪国家政府。
8、But this was no mere accident or casual foul-up in a live programme.───但这绝不仅是某次直播节目中的事故或偶然混乱。
9、Colfax is going to try to tear his testimony apart this afternoon and the Chief wants to make sure Stela doesn't foul up.───柯尔法克斯今天下午会千方百计地推翻他的证词,首席检察官要求斯待拉千万别把事情搅乱了。
foul up(意思翻译)
foul up(相似词语短语)
2、foul line───边界; 边线;(球场的)边线;界线
3、foul ball───n.<美>(橄榄球)界外球
4、cried foul───强烈KangYi错误(或不公平)
5、foul weather───恶劣的气候,坏天气;险恶气候
6、foul mood───坏心情
7、flagrant foul───恶意犯规,恶性犯规;恶性犯规[NBA]
8、foul shots───罚球;罚球所得的一分
9、cry foul───强烈KangYi错误(或不公平)
foul up(双语使用场景)
1、In the end, you'll learn more and foul up less.───最终,你将会学得更多,搞砸得更少。
2、Toppling the Iraqi regime with only a vague plan as to what to put in its place has been the defining foul-up of the presidency.───仅凭一个含糊的替代计划扳倒YiLaKe政权已成为总统当局错误失策的判定。
3、the balance of the Electrolyte foul-up───电解质的平衡
4、The smoke from the forest fire started to foul up the air.───森林大火的烟雾开始让空气变得污浊。
5、But because of a computer foul up, Greenwich Village police didn't believe Daniel Valencia and nearly wrote him off as another oddball.───可是由于电脑错误,格林威治村警方不相信瓦伦西亚,几乎将他视为又一个ShenJingBing。
6、Any time an Argentine player was knocked down or whistled for a foul, he threw up his arms in dismay.───每次阿根廷球员被击倒或被吹犯规时,他都会沮丧地举起双臂。
7、But even in China many people will have attributed this disaster to an "act of God" rather than a foul-up by the Politburo (see article).───但是在中国许多人却把这次雪灾归为“天灾”而不是归罪国家政府。
8、But this was no mere accident or casual foul-up in a live programme.───但这绝不仅是某次直播节目中的事故或偶然混乱。
9、Colfax is going to try to tear his testimony apart this afternoon and the Chief wants to make sure Stela doesn't foul up.───柯尔法克斯今天下午会千方百计地推翻他的证词,首席检察官要求斯待拉千万别把事情搅乱了。