1、The so-called Loose lips sink ships, but will sometimes in an awkward position, this situation is often in the interview.───所谓言多必失,有时候反而会让处于尴尬的境地,这种情形在面试中是经常出现的。
2、If you had prepared in advance, you wouldn't be in such an awkward position.───如果你事先作好准备,也不至于那么被动。
3、I must have slept in an awkward position—I'm aching all over.───我肯定睡的姿势不舒适—我全身疼痛。
4、We ended up in the awkward position where the #1 thing stopping us from shipping was the name.───我们需要结束这种棘手的处境,阻挠我们前进的首要问题就是这命名。
5、'You're hurting economic policy makers that have strong ties to the U. S, ' Li said. 'It puts them in an awkward position. '───李成说,这样做是在伤害与美国有着紧密关系的经济决策者,这使他们处境尴尬。
6、The deficiency of plots made thoughts unable to be consumed, which is the important reason why The Promise is in an awkward position.───在消费文化语境中,电影故事性的缺位使思想丧失了可消费性,这是《无极》遭遇尴尬的重要原因。
7、You've put me in an awkward position.───你使得我狼狈不堪。
8、This seems to put programmers in an awkward position.───这似乎让程序员处于尴尬的境地。
9、The International Monetary Fund (referred to as IMF) is currently deeped into a very awkward position after after 60 years of development.───国际货币基金组织 (I M F)在历经六十余年的发展后,目前处于一个非常尴尬的境地。
awkward position(英语使用场景)
1、decision puts me in an awkward position.
2、You've put me in an awkward position.
3、This leaves Colonial Williamsburg in an awkward position.
4、She watched him assume the awkward position.
5、It put me in an awkward position when he asked me to keep a secret.
6、He got a crick in the neck from sleeping in an awkward position.
7、Philip's remarks put her in an awkward position .
8、Katz put Ford in an incredibly awkward position as well.
awkward position(意思翻译)
awkward position(相似词语短语)
1、socially awkward───不会社交的(非正式);社交困难的(非正式)
3、awkward silence───令人尴尬的沉默;窘人的沉默(或沉静);冷场
4、awkward definition───笨拙的定义
5、awkward zombie───笨拙的僵尸
6、awkward meme───尴尬的模因
8、awkward bachur───笨拙的巴楚
9、awkward puppets───笨拙的木偶
awkward position(双语使用场景)
1、The so-called Loose lips sink ships, but will sometimes in an awkward position, this situation is often in the interview.───所谓言多必失,有时候反而会让处于尴尬的境地,这种情形在面试中是经常出现的。
2、If you had prepared in advance, you wouldn't be in such an awkward position.───如果你事先作好准备,也不至于那么被动。
3、I must have slept in an awkward position—I'm aching all over.───我肯定睡的姿势不舒适—我全身疼痛。
4、We ended up in the awkward position where the #1 thing stopping us from shipping was the name.───我们需要结束这种棘手的处境,阻挠我们前进的首要问题就是这命名。
5、'You're hurting economic policy makers that have strong ties to the U. S, ' Li said. 'It puts them in an awkward position. '───李成说,这样做是在伤害与美国有着紧密关系的经济决策者,这使他们处境尴尬。
6、The deficiency of plots made thoughts unable to be consumed, which is the important reason why The Promise is in an awkward position.───在消费文化语境中,电影故事性的缺位使思想丧失了可消费性,这是《无极》遭遇尴尬的重要原因。
7、You've put me in an awkward position.───你使得我狼狈不堪。
8、This seems to put programmers in an awkward position.───这似乎让程序员处于尴尬的境地。
9、The International Monetary Fund (referred to as IMF) is currently deeped into a very awkward position after after 60 years of development.───国际货币基金组织 (I M F)在历经六十余年的发展后,目前处于一个非常尴尬的境地。
awkward position(英语使用场景)
1、decision puts me in an awkward position.
2、You've put me in an awkward position.
3、This leaves Colonial Williamsburg in an awkward position.
4、She watched him assume the awkward position.
5、It put me in an awkward position when he asked me to keep a secret.
6、He got a crick in the neck from sleeping in an awkward position.
7、Philip's remarks put her in an awkward position .
8、Katz put Ford in an incredibly awkward position as well.
9、You've put me in a very awkward position.