1、A nest of baby Robins begins to hatch in a bush by the WhiteHouse press room in Washington, d.c..───华盛顿特区的白宫新闻厅附近的树丛里,一窝知更鸟宝宝出生了。
2、Down in the press room, Claudio Ranieri was invoking another creature.───在新闻发布会上,拉涅利像是变成了另外一个人。
3、He got a standing ovation that day , - not just in the press room, but from the entire White House staff.───那天长时间的起立鼓掌,不仅是在这个新闻室,而且包括来自所有在白宫的工作人员。
4、Hampton, we've got trouble in the press room this morning.───汉普顿,今天早上我们的新闻室出了点问题。
5、press room on the first floor that was when you look Qiangqun, termites gnawing part of wall.───记者在一楼的房间内看到,墙裙被剥开,白蚁蛀空部分墙体。
6、He got a ovation that day-not just in the press room, but from the entire White House staff.───那天,他得到了全体起立的掌声。这些掌声不仅仅来自新闻办公室,也来自整个白宫的工作人员。
7、He got a steady standing novation ovation that day , not just in the press room, but from the entire White House staff .───那天,不仅仅是在发言间二十从整个白宫的全体职工那儿,他得到了大家的起立鼓掌。
8、The main contents of this web site includes: About EFF - Cases - Press Room - Deeplinks - Action Center - Join EFF.───该网站的主要内容有:关于电子新领域基金会-案例-新闻室-深度链接-活动室-加入基金会。
9、Our Press Room provides you with all the latest DHL press releases, relevant press contacts and immediate access to company images.───我们的新闻室为您提供所有关于DHL的最新新闻稿、相关新闻联络人以及获取公司图片的快速访问方式。
press room(英语使用场景)
1、Mrs Metz explained that we desired to avoid the route past the press room.
2、There is, in fact, a considerable amount of intellectual insecurity in the press room.
3、Instead, he got Joe, bellowing across the press room.
4、Pupils at work in their press room, a loose box on the Royal Agricultural Society's Children's Farm.
5、As space is limited, the Press Room will serve on a first-come-first-serve basis.
6、Y., appeared in the White House press room with her grandson Adam, who was abducted when he was 3.
7、Watching him shuffle off to the press room, I felt sorry for poor Feels.
press room(意思翻译)
press room(相似词语短语)
2、press tv───新闻电视
3、press outlet───压力出口
4、wordbook press───wordbook出版社
6、associated press───n.MeiLianShe
7、antinomian press───反托米安出版社
8、dissociated press───分离压力
9、press brake───簿长件压机;压弯机(板的)
press room(双语使用场景)
1、A nest of baby Robins begins to hatch in a bush by the WhiteHouse press room in Washington, d.c..───华盛顿特区的白宫新闻厅附近的树丛里,一窝知更鸟宝宝出生了。
2、Down in the press room, Claudio Ranieri was invoking another creature.───在新闻发布会上,拉涅利像是变成了另外一个人。
3、He got a standing ovation that day , - not just in the press room, but from the entire White House staff.───那天长时间的起立鼓掌,不仅是在这个新闻室,而且包括来自所有在白宫的工作人员。
4、Hampton, we've got trouble in the press room this morning.───汉普顿,今天早上我们的新闻室出了点问题。
5、press room on the first floor that was when you look Qiangqun, termites gnawing part of wall.───记者在一楼的房间内看到,墙裙被剥开,白蚁蛀空部分墙体。
6、He got a ovation that day-not just in the press room, but from the entire White House staff.───那天,他得到了全体起立的掌声。这些掌声不仅仅来自新闻办公室,也来自整个白宫的工作人员。
7、He got a steady standing novation ovation that day , not just in the press room, but from the entire White House staff .───那天,不仅仅是在发言间二十从整个白宫的全体职工那儿,他得到了大家的起立鼓掌。
8、The main contents of this web site includes: About EFF - Cases - Press Room - Deeplinks - Action Center - Join EFF.───该网站的主要内容有:关于电子新领域基金会-案例-新闻室-深度链接-活动室-加入基金会。
9、Our Press Room provides you with all the latest DHL press releases, relevant press contacts and immediate access to company images.───我们的新闻室为您提供所有关于DHL的最新新闻稿、相关新闻联络人以及获取公司图片的快速访问方式。
press room(英语使用场景)
1、Mrs Metz explained that we desired to avoid the route past the press room.
2、There is, in fact, a considerable amount of intellectual insecurity in the press room.
3、Instead, he got Joe, bellowing across the press room.
4、Pupils at work in their press room, a loose box on the Royal Agricultural Society's Children's Farm.
5、As space is limited, the Press Room will serve on a first-come-first-serve basis.
6、Y., appeared in the White House press room with her grandson Adam, who was abducted when he was 3.
7、Watching him shuffle off to the press room, I felt sorry for poor Feels.